Monday, September 9, 2019

Logical Fallacies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Logical Fallacies - Essay Example ed my friend’s fallacious reasoning by arguing that something does not automatically become right simply because it has always been practiced (Trufant 34). I argued that despite the fact that it may be true that Tobacco has been used for centuries as a medicine by the Indigenous Americans, Europeans and other societies, this does not necessarily justify that Tobacco use is good. On the contrary, it is a proven fact that tobacco is currently one of the largest causes of preventable deaths in the world and millions of tobacco users die each year across the globe from smoking related health conditions. For example, tobacco use is responsible for numerous diseases and long term health problems such as cancer, heart condition, respiratory diseases, as well as premature death. In addition, billions of dollars are currently being lost each year from the loss of productivity that results from smoking related deaths as well as in terms of the expenses incurred in the treatment of diseases and conditions associated with tobacco use. Finally, recent studies have also pointed out that tobacco use may significantly undermine the health of non smoke rs through passive smoking. I concluded that the argument that tobacco must be good because it has been used as an indigenous medicine in various cultures for many centuries is not only deceptive and fallacious but is also based on lack of reason since it is not supposed by any evidence. In my opinion, appeal to tradition is a logical fallacy because tradition is not always right. Although the notion that something is good because it has always been done that way may seem superficially sound, and is popular in many debate rounds, traditions can not justify that something is good. The use of tobacco does not automatically become right simply because it has always been traditionally used as an indigenous medicine for medicine. I won the argument. Tradition is not always

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