Tuesday, December 24, 2019
A Brief Note On The American Civil War - 1521 Words
Vanessa Astorga Mrs. V History 101 19 April 2017 Civil War The American Civil War, that took place from 1861 to 1865, marked one of the most important changes in American history, it was fought between the Union and the Confederate States of America. A total of even southern states that left the Union to form their own country in order to protect the institution of slavery. The Civil War transformed the country’s economy, politics, women, African Americans, along with major breakthroughs in technology. The war increased northern prosperity, whereas the South s entire society quickly collapsed. The war s impact on northern society was positive, which led to an advancement in all aspects of northern life. The Union s economy held an†¦show more content†¦In addition, 90% of the nation s skilled workers were in the North†( Arrington). The north’s lust economy dominated over the country that help rebuild the United States as a country. The Union developed their own country in order to abolish the institution of slavery. The union was not going to allow the confederates to practice slavery. Many northern states favored the abolition of slavery. The southerners favored the institution of slavery and favored the power of state governments over the federal government. This caused a split in political parties and led to the formation of new parties in the United States. The Constitutional Union Party rose and was formed by former Whigs. The Constitutional Union Party s stance held in preserving the union by refusing to take sides on slavery. When it became obvious that support for the party was weak, many in the Constitutional Union Party attempted to join with Northern Democrats who supported appeasement. The United States defeated the Confederate States and abolished slavery nationwide.(America s Reconstruction People and Politics After the Civil War). During the Civil War, American women want to find a way to contribute to the war. Women in the North and South joined as volunteers and signed up to work as nurses. It was the first time in American history that women were allowed toShow MoreRelatedA Brief Note On The American Civil War920 Words  | 4 Pagesconsequence of the American Civil war is that it was the largest catastrophe in American history. â€Å"Approximately one in four soldiers that went to war never returned home.†There weren’t any cemeteries, burial details or messengers of loss. The army didn’t have the mechanisms needed to handle the amount of deaths the nation was gonna experience. It was the bloodiest conflict and there had been an unprecedented violence of battles such as Gettysburg, Shiloh and Antietam. â€Å"The Civil war was America’s costliestRead MoreA Brief Note On The American Civil War1540 Words  | 7 Pages The American Civil War is the bloodiest war in American history, claiming the lives of 720,00 solider and an indeterminable number of civilians. But these four years were a larger battle for survival against a third unseen enemy: disease. A battle that took two out of three soldiers from disease; most commonly pneumonia, dysentery, typhoid, tuberculosis, smallpox and malaria. Malaria was a constant threat to humans in all places with infected mosquitos. As seen in a census map of 1874,Read MoreA Brief Note On The American Civil War1203 Words  | 5 Pagesan amusing apology to your husband, a well-known writer and Civil War afficionado, for your previous lack of appreciation for his passion. Although you say you’re not sure â€Å"when or where†it happened, would you talk a bit about your change of heart and what led to your new and profound interest in the American Civil War and eventually to the writing of March? In the early 1990s we came to live in a small Virginia village where Civil War history is all around us. There are bullet scars on the bricksRead MoreA Brief Note On The American Civil War1375 Words  | 6 PagesCollege European Involvement in the Civil War Jillisa Halverson History 151 Instructor: Dan Anderson December 5, 2015 The American Civil War represents a significant period in United States history. In this essay we will explore foreign involvement in the Civil War. We will specifically look at the roles of France and Great Britain played and how they used military positioning in Canada and off the US coast to affect the war. Finally, we will look at which foreign entitiesRead MoreA Brief Note On The American Civil War2196 Words  | 9 PagesAmerican Civil War The American civil war that majorly involved wars amongst states took place between 1861 and 1865.The union was a term used at the Civil War in America with reference to the federal government of the U.S. The federal state was backed up by five border slave states and twenty free states. It, however, received opposition from the southern slave states that had decided to secede and join to form a confederacy. The civil war was, thus, between the North, which was referred toRead MoreA Brief Note On Sectionalism And The American Civil War1883 Words  | 8 PagesSectionalism, in it’s earliest American state was found in the early 1800’s. Tensions were high during this time, with Slavery becoming a much more Sectional issue. The South claimed Slavery a Necessary Evil, and that without it, the South’s economy would collapse. Many in the South believed it was a positive thing, providing slaves with shelter, food, and many cases, religion. On the opposite side, many northerners called for Abolition, or, the end of slavery (â€Å"Course Notes, Sectionalism and Slavery†)Read MoreCauses of the American Civil War Essay1181 Words  | 5 PagesThe Civil War was caused by a myriad of conflicting pressures, principles, and prejudices, fueled by sectional differences and pride, and set into motion by a most unlikely set of political events. From the colonial period in America where the institution of slavery began, through the period of the revolution whereby blood was shed to validate the notion that all men were created equal (yet slavery existed in all thirteen colonies), to the era of the Civil War itself, it is undoubtedly clear thatRead MoreHalf Slave And Half Free Essay1277 Words  | 6 Pageseruption of the Civil War. According to Levine, tension arose due to conflicting interests in the depths of the free-labor based economy of the North and the slave-labor based economy of the South which boiled up to a point that led the newly formed nation to a civil war. Levine starts off by giving a brief history of slavery and shifts to discussing the way in which it revolutionized the economy of America, and the role that it conveyed in the conflicts leading up to the Civil War. Slavery was crucialRead More Dorothea Dix Essay946 Words  | 4 PagesDix’s beliefs in to context. One of the links is to Notable American Unitarians and further directs the reader to biographies for people such as Frank Lloyd Wright, Linus Pauling, Adlai Stevenson, e.e. cummings and Pete Seeger. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;http://www.ana.org/hof/dixxdl.htm. This website for the American Nursing Association gives a very brief overview of Dix, relating to her induction into the ANA Hall of Fame in 1976. It notes that although she had no formal nursing training, she wasRead MorePresident Abraham Lincoln Delivered One Of The Most Famous Speeches1698 Words  | 7 PagesNovember 19, 1863 was the day when at the time President Abraham Lincoln delivered one of the most famous speeches in the American History. Lincolns brief but was powerful, Gettysburg Address described the United States as being a pivotal crossroads. While Lincoln credited with creating the â€Å"Government of the People, by the people,†it was really for the older countries. A while after Lincoln was invited to make a few remarks at a ceremony consecrating a new cemetery for the Union Soldiers. That
Monday, December 16, 2019
Educational System In Term Of Legitimation In Cambodia Free Essays
Education is one of societal establishment that makes society and the state sustainable and development. With instruction, people get cognition, accomplishments, wont, value, and morality, and attitude ( Roth Hok, 2004, p 3 ) . It provides the state work force in order to run into the challenge of globalisation of today competitory economic and technological development. We will write a custom essay sample on Educational System In Term Of Legitimation In Cambodia or any similar topic only for you Order Now Accord with the demands above, each state seek to construct up quality of instruction, enlarge and widespread the educational edifice centres, schools and universities everyplace in the state. Furthermore, they provide the opportunity to those who want to work on the educational sectors which aspect as private sector or organisation. Additionally, the educational establishment attempts to reform and bring forth more method, construction or other techniques to better the educational system. There are four maps of instruction: socialization, making, allotment and legitimation ( Historical Root Document ) in which each map plays really of import function and works in deferent facet that instruction go more and more effectual. In order to stabilise and develop the state more efficaciously, legitimation is one of the most of import maps, which have been using actively in instruction. In term of educational facet, legitimation is the tool to set up and associate the people in society. It provides norm, values and political orientation to stabilise the political power and besides cultural and societal individuality ( Historical Root Document ) . Cambodia is one of the development states which has merely emerged from the war that the instruction had been distracted to about nothing. Harmonizing to Mr. Heng stated that â€Å" Having passed four old ages of the barbarian genocidal government of the Pol Pot- Ieng Sary clique our substructure in the sphere of instruction and instruction is wholly shattered. â€Å" ( Ayres, 2003 ) . Now it has been fighting really hard to go the developed state by concentrating much on the instruction as the chief sector that instruction in term of legitimation has been applied more potentially in the Kampuchean context in order to stabilise, nationalise the state as a whole. Research Questions What is the chief factor to determine the course of study in Education? How did the instruction course of study in PRK and subsequently use the societal and national vision to the citizens? How effectual have the instruction system work in gestate the citizen for stabilising the state? Education in Cambodia in term of Legitimation In Cambodia, from one period to another, the course of study has been changed and reformed steadily to acquire a better quality and apprehension of the function of instruction policy in aspect societal and civic individualities and redefining or retracing national citizenship within the Kampuchean context. The course of study has been set and assimilated the political orientation to the immature Kampuchean to be harmony, peace, stableness and feeling of loving state and society and besides supports and serves their political power. The implicit in premise is that for procedures of educational alteration to be meaningful parts to national rapprochement and peace edifice in the context of individuality. Of cardinal concern were the policy issues that determine the function of schooling in the formation and transmittal of corporate individuality, memory, and sense of citizenship and of shared fate. Harmonizing to the course of study the pupils are provided to larn the topic that tell ab out the manner of life, the manner to talk, frock, base, sit, and walk, it besides provides norm, value and carry the immature Kampuchean to love and protect their ain national heritage ; moreover, the information the pupils get is to follow and back up the authorities context that the state become stableness, prosperity and development. General end of course of study in term of legitimation The ends and purposes of instruction are to develop human resources mentally, emotionally, and physically. It maintains accomplishments, experiences, morality, tolerance, cognition, cooperation, solidarity, patriotism, love of justness, human rights, environmental advocator, individuality and valuing national civilization and civilisation, regard for jurisprudence, holding self-independence, assurance, ability to work out day-to-day life jobs, creativeness, industry, duty, ability to advance one ‘s household wellbeing, engagement in national rehabilitation and development based of democracy and pluralism, , ( UNESCO statistical yearbook,1999 ) In PRK period In the period of People Republic Kampouchea government, the authorities was in left with nil in the custodies every bit good as the instruction system. ( Aryes, 2000 ) With the official authorities was empty thought related to the instruction theory and patterns, most of them were in the ground forces sectors. In add-on to this, the influence of cold war in the current flow of universe power between Russia and the United State ( Nayan Chanda, 2007 ) led to distribute the political orientation of socialism which affected on Cambodia authorities in instruction course of study. However the new educational plan had been announced officially in on July 30, 1979 in the PRK. The system had been put an consequence by Heng samrin. The new educational construction had been replaced by the disposal of Vietnamese and Gallic educational pattern. The primary school class had been divided into two three-year rhythm prior to 1975, was reduced into four class, secondary school six old ages to maximum three old ages rhythm. The 10 old ages construction and go uping totaling system followed the denote school classs, were really similar to those Vietnamese. Another characteristic of the system which the same as Vietnamese ‘s was the decentralized control. Provincial instruction commissions were vested with a high grade of duty for doing determination. ( Ayres, 2003 ) In that manner, instruction is to protect and construct the People ‘s Republic of Cambodia in to socialist state, ( Ayres, 2003 ) , so in the period the instruction is provided to the people in order to stabilise the state and better the political power. After PRK period 1990s After the election in 1993, The Cambodia fundamental law has rehabilitation programs, the schemes of MoEYS, the schemes of socioeconomic, and the existent national state of affairs the instruction reform policy had been accepted by the instruction system development commissions as the followers: The general instruction system from grade 11 to 12 old ages added 1year to primary school that the expression is 6+3+3, which is 6 old ages in primary school, 3 old ages in secondary school 3 old ages in high school. They besides increase up 6 hours per twenty-four hours in order to acquire the international criterion of 5,000 hours in which one category period 45 proceedingss in primary school and 50 proceedingss in secondary school. There 6 capable countries in primary and 8 topics in secondary school include foreign topics ( English or Gallic ) grade 5 in primary school upward. ( UNESCO statistical yearbook,1999 ) The end of course of study is to construct up the scholars life experience, work experience, cognition, accomplishments, values, personality, and wonts of making indispensable activities in their ain society every bit good as their ain state. Therefore they can be really of import plus to work more efficaciously to develop the state and broad pluralistic democracy. ( UNESCO statistical yearbook,1999 ) Decision The end of Basic Education is to develop utile citizens into a adept work force that possesses accomplishments and ability and general cognition to use for their existent societal life. They have ability to better their ain wellness ( physical and mental ) every bit good as the wellness households and their society. They besides feel assurance to hold ability to work out the jobs of their households and society, and the ability to do determinations and programs for a successful life. Tolerance and acknowledgment of the public assistance of other people, and public spirit with the sense of equality and empathy. Love of self-study to better their life accomplishments. , love of modern engineering, willingness to work with others, cognition and accomplishments in direction, and preparedness to keep occupations suited to their makings and penchants. Awareness of societal alterations and ability to accommodate themselves in order to develop their state with the spirit of national pride, l ove of their state, faith and male monarch and saving of the natural environment, natural resources and their traditional every bit good as international humanistic disciplines and civilization. How to cite Educational System In Term Of Legitimation In Cambodia, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Sop for mis free essay sample
A passion to achieve expertise in Management and Information Systems and to be a part of the powerful technological workforce of my country, are the objectives to my Graduate Study. It would help hone my skills, earn proficiency and seek professional exposure. A graduate course would pave way to earn hands on experience and acquire specialization in the desired field of study. Build passion for knowledge rather than success This is the principle that I followed thorough out my career. Gain knowledge and rest follows is the thing that made me inspired.Since my childhood I have passion towards problem solving, cracking puzzles. Later on that transformed to passion towards machines and finally towards information technology. The rapid development in Information Technology and how it is helping mankind and making things easier, created quest to gain knowledge in computers. Personally I am not a whiz-kid but I am a steady performer. We will write a custom essay sample on Sop for mis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Have consistently maintained a good standard of performance in my academics since my childhood. I secured 64. 5% in the 10th grade(CBS) and 90. % in the 1 degrade examination conducted by the Intermediate Board , India. In my undergraduate studies, I have benefited from the breadth of Farmhand College Of Engineering, JAUNT syllabi content that has given me a comprehensive exposure to the core areas of Mechanical Engineering and a strong conceptual understanding of the same. During the course of study was exposed to C, JAVA and Data Base Management Systems that helped me gain excellent fundamentals of information Technology through a well structured curriculum. Restricting to one area study with tremendous competition around is not very helpful and the versatility of courses in this program amazes me and fosters my keenness in joining this program believe that this program along with my determination, hard work, perseverance and dedication will help me overcome all hurdles in my future endeavors. Rapidly advancing technology do necessitates mastering of a particular area, Hence intend to pursue graduate study in Management Information Systems.I believe managing information systems is the key to generate necessary inputs for a reflections to prepare a viable business strategy in order to succeed in todays competitive marketplace. In pursuit of these goals, I decided to apply MIS program at University of Illinois-Springfield and hence am ready to resign for my Assistant System Engineer post, received through campus recruitment from Data Consultancy Services. Sop for Mis free essay sample A passion to achieve expertise in Management and Information systems and to be a part of the powerful technological workforce of my country, are the objectives to my Graduate Study. It would help me to hone my skills, earn proficiency and seek professional exposure. A graduate course would pave way to earning hands-on experience and acquire specialization in the desired field of study. In my undergraduate studies, I have benefited from the breadth of Anna University’s syllabi content that has given me a comprehensive exposure to the core areas of Electronics Instrumentation Engineering and a strong conceptual understanding of the same, but that helped me gain excellent fundamentals of Technology through a well-structured curriculum. During the course of study I was exposed to the fundamentals of Principles of Management. Restricting to one area of study with tremendous competition around is not very helpful and the versatility of courses in this Program fosters my keenness in joining this program. We will write a custom essay sample on Sop for Mis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I believe that this program along with my determination, hard work, perseverance and dedication will help me overcome all hurdles in my future endeavors. Rapidly advancing technology do necessitates mastering of a particular area, Hence I intend to pursue graduate study in â€Å"Management Information Sciences†. MIS program provides the kind of exposure needed to broaden my thinking and undo my insular prejudices that might be still prevalent in me. In a university of such confluence of people from every culture, nationality, religion and ideology, I am sure that exposure to these kinds of diverse influences would aid in the overall development of my personality. I also believe that I have better chances of updating and scaling up my knowledge in your University through this program. I aver that I shall work to the best of my capabilities and utilize every opportunity given to me in the best possible way. I will be much obliged if I can be admitted into the program, which has eminent professors, state-of -art infrastructure and an amicable environment. I am confident of realizing my goals and developing my personality, if admitted into your esteemed program. I would like to add that the essence of University education lies in the synergetic relationship between the student and his department. I feel that graduate study in the department of MIS will be the most logical extension of my academic pursuits and a major step towards achieving my objectives.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
ROSIE ROBERTS Essays - Casual Sex, Human Sexuality, Occupations
ROSIE ROBERTS 1. Explication of the poem In this short poem the poet, Edgar Lee Masters, focuses on the miserable and dangerous living conditions of a prostitute. Through Rosie Roberts character, the poet portrays "the crooked game of life." Rosie Roberts was a prostitute who used to work in a whore house called Madam Lou's located in Peoria. One night at Madam Lou's, she had a fight with her customer who was a rich son of a Merchant. He beat her when she said that she was not interested in selling her body to him. She wanted to spend the night with someone else. In the end, she shoots and kills him in self defense. The man's wealthy family tried to hide the scandal from breaking that their son died in a whore house. They mentioned in the newspaper that he accidentally killed himself while cleaning his gun. After this incident, she was removed from the whore house and was taken to her girlhood home in Spoon River. There she became sick, probably because of some disease or emotional breakdown for the crime she committed. She was angry at the crooked policemen and the Merchant Prince for burying the truth. She wanted to let the truth be known, so she wrote to the Chief of police at Peoria, confessing about her crime. This shows that despite the fact she was a prostitute, she had a conscience. This makes her a better person. 2. Biography poem Line 1 Rosie Line 2 bold, dignified, courageous, honest. Line 3 Relative of the streets, sweetheart of men. Line 4 Lover of attention, money, and honesty. Line 5 Who feels sick, angry, and guilt for her crime. Line 6 Who needs companionship, affection, and justice to ease her pain. Line 7 Who fears illness, dull life in Spoon River, and death without exposing the truth. Line 8 Who gives tension, hostility, and death to the Merchant's son. Line 9 Who would like to see that she gets away from her girlhood home, she tells the police about her crime, and she is punished for the crime she committed. Line 10 Resident of Spoon River Line 11 Roberts 3. Character explanation Rosie Roberts seems to be one of the top prostitutes of Madam Lou's. Rich men, such as Merchant's son, want to spend a night with her. What makes Rosie different from the other prostitutes is her strong sense of dignity and courage. She does not give away herself to every man for the sake of money. She has her own priorities, likes and dislikes. She refuses to spend the night with the rich Merchant's son who is ready to give her a lot of money. She is courageous enough to not be intimidated by his high position and violent behavior. When he hits her, she boldly defends herself. Although Rosie Robert does not mind selling her body for money, she has a pure heart. She hates the dishonesty of the policemen and the merchant for burying the truth from the world about the crime she committed in order to preserve the merchants reputation. This uplifts her character. Even though her profession as a prostitute has stripped her outward modesty, she still has maintained the modesty of being sincere. She knows that she is guilty of murder and deserves punishment. The loneliness and passive life in Spoon River further intensifies her sense of guilt. She fears "wasting away" and dying with the truth buried inside her heart. She shows great courage and boldness in writing a letter to the Chief of Police telling him the details of her crime. 3.Character explanation Rosie Roberts seems to be one of the top prostitutes of Madam Lou's. Rich men, such as Merchant's son, want to spend a night with her. What makes Rosie different from the other prostitutes is her strong sense of dignity and courage. She does not give away herself to every man for the sake of money. She has her own priorities, likes and dislikes. She refuses to spend the night with the rich Merchant's son who is ready to give her a lot of money. She is courageous enough to not be intimidated by his high position and violent behavior. When he hits her, she
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