Thursday, October 31, 2019
Rainbow Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Rainbow Design - Essay Example Rainbow Design appears to be a rather fluid organization, considering that it is involved in supplying a highly creative, uniquely designed service product.  Such firms cannot rely on organizational structures that are more appropriate for batch processing, standardized products. There are three general organizational structures: the functional, the divisional, and the matrix organizations. The functional organization, the most traditional of the three, is structured according to business functions, while the divisional organization may be organized along product, customer or geographic divisions. The matrix organization, on the other hand, has the flexibility of an overlap of functional and divisional forms. (Bateman & Snell, 2005, pp. 257-262). A diagram of the typical matrix organization follows on next page: In the Rainbow Design firm, it is apparent that persons each performing a separate function were grouped together to accomplish one web design project for a single customer. The group is composed of a junior content designer (Laura), and account manager (Teresa), a technical developer (John), and a creative director (Amber). In the above diagram, the group relationship could be exemplified by the lowest row, where three staff positions (Laura, Teresa and John) and one project manager (Amber) are grouped together to accomplish one project. The greatest advantage of the matrix organization is the exploration of synergies among creative individuals working at the same project such as in Rainbow Design, simplifying communication and enhancing coordination among them. Rainbow’s personnel work in groups, a group being â€Å"Any number of people who interact with each other, are psychologically aware of each other, and who perceive themselves to be a group†(Schein) and â€Å"who interact to fulfil a common goal†(Bowditch & Buono). Within the Rainbow Design matrix organization, groups called project teams become the vehicle by which the design product is created. A team is simply a group with a specific work purpose, and for Rainbow the work purpose is the creation of a web design to the client’s liking.Â
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 22
Response - Essay Example Others like watching television for lengthy periods and spend a lot of time talking about it with their friends at school. From my expectations, I expected to see a full time commitment. On the other hand, the other thing that I did not expect to see is some form of discrimination against my friend and I. Although this did not bother me much, I expected to experience fairness and equal treatment of individuals. I came to find out that it was because of my race. Moreover, partying is a central part of the Boston students, which interrupts most of the students’ learning activities. However, in spite of that, the tutors are good to my friend and me. If we seek any type of clarification, the teachers are ready to assist. This makes learning easier for us and has given us the appropriate morale. Although there are some unfavorable situations, we will concentrate with our studies because it was like that when we got
Sunday, October 27, 2019
If We Were Superheroes Philosophy Essay
If We Were Superheroes Philosophy Essay I always grew up looking up to superheroes, I loved super heroes. They saved the world more than once and always had a solution for a problem, but what they never do is give up, something that we as teenagers and adults still havent learned. Just imagine, what Saturday mornings would look like if our superheroes gave up? Someone would say LOOK! A HUGE asteroid the size of TEXAS is hurling toward Earth! Help us Superman and he would say I seem to be having a difficulty day-you see global warming has caused the hole in the ozone to release kryptonite and I am just not up to it! Nowadays if we encounter any problem that we feel we cannot endure, our 1st option is to give up and quit. Author Johnny James said, in his book Never Give UP à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦We must have a strong determination to persevere unto the end. The race is not to the swift all the time, nor is the battle to the strong. When it seems as though there is no need in even trying again, this is the time that we should never g ive up. In order for us not to quit we must first look at why we quit, some asteroids that do come our way and some super spidey solutions to help ourselves from making this decision. As a freshman, high school was going to be very different. New people, new school, and new challenges to face, being called a fish, bullied and the list goes on and on but I was unaware of the circumstances where my only option given, was to quit. I clearly remember close friends of mines telling me that I wouldnt be able to do well in debate. My first response was very rude including a couple of colorful words that could easily get me disqualified. Yet, I realized that the answer was not to quit, but to try even harder and try to accept that there is room, room for improvement. Quitting would only stop me from growing. So, I tried harder and did improve tremendously, and I had a great year. Even though Im nowhere near the best, I smelled a sense of accomplishment in the air and thought to ponder, why do people give up? The answer was pretty simple. The reason why we quit is simply because of the fact that we think we are unable to survive the circumstances ahead of us, but the stren gth to fight is inside of us. We just refuse to unleash the beast and let the green hulk take over. Instead, we sit there like people who have nothing better to do than to eat in front of their televisions and decide that the rest of the world doesnt exist. As Frank Lloyd Wright had once said I know the price of success: dedication, hard work, and an unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen. The 2nd riches man in the 1900s once said, It is easy to dodge our responsibilities, but we cannot dodge the consequences of dodging our responsibilities. Superheros have taken their responsibility and fulfilled it to its fullest extent. However we choose to dodge our efforts and decide to stop trying. Walt- Disney was turned down 302 times before actually being financed, and look at the success that Walt Disney has reached today! One of the greatest men in history, Albert Einstein didnt do great at first either. Albert Einstein did not speak until he was four years old and didnt read until he was seven. His teacher described him as mentally slow, unsociable and adrift forever in his foolish dreams. He was expelled and refused admittance to Zurich Polytechnic School. The University of Bern turned down his Ph.D. dissertation as being irrelevant and fanciful. Imagine what would have happened if he did give up? You must believe in yourself-even if all those around you doubt you and in your ability to rise from within the insanity in which your life now finds itself and to stand tall against the obstacles and challenges within your life-and you will conquer all that you believe cannot be conquered and all that which you believed you had lost within your life. When we give up, we are a failure. Giving up on everything you have is going to leave you with nothing at all. In the same book I mentioned before; Author Johnny James stated once again, Those who give up in the race are never rewarded because quitters are never rewarded for quitting. Like the superheroes had a solution for every problem, there are some super spidey things we can do not to quit and truly achieve. Author Christine McGogy, in her aricle6 ways to never give up, gives us six step-by-step instructions, on how to not give up. The first thing to do, is keep an open mind, when you keep an open mind, you allow yourself to be open to more ideas, Once you say, I quit you basically are closing off your mind from any more ways to getting closer to your end result and having any breakthroughs. The 2nd step is trials and errors, you have to remember that you made an effort and tried, if you didnt like your result, you should try to change your actions, to get a better result. The 3rd thing to do is to is to realize that the questions, are the answer, When you run out of ideas its time to start asking [yourself] question Questions such as what can I do differently or what else can I do to improve myself. For extra effectiveness, try writing the question(s) down. Ask yourself the questions before you go to sleep at night and often times the answers will come the next day as your brain had time to think about it while you were sleeping! the 4th step is Guidance, Who can help you? Is there somebody that has already achieved the same goal? Find them and ask them what they did to get there. Asking doesnt cost anything. And guess what, chances are these people werent always doing great at first. The difference is that they kept going however small the action seemed at the time. Once you have the determination to persist until you get what you want, you will become more confident in yourself as well. She also reminds us that according to the 5th step, to make sure we arent making up excuses to stop ourselves from making this decision. And last, but not least, Picture it! In order for your goal to actually be a reality, can force you to zoom past your comfort zone, but keep focusing on the benefit of your goal to push yourself further along. Take a minute whenever you feel overwhelmed and DREAM about your goal! I have personally thought about quitting speech and debate because of many reasons, but when I sit back and think about my dreams, it just encourages me to try even harder. Walt Disney always said, If you can dream it, you can do it! Problems come and go in life but we, like the superheroes, should face our problems and find a solution no matter how big the problem is. By giving up we dont unleash the beast within, instead we unleash the wimp within. We hide and runaway-thinking things will be better, but they always end up following us, wherever we go. Superheroes are the coolest, smartest, and most wise people you can ever find. Despite them not being real, they give us real guidance. They do the most extraordinary things and teach us great lessons, some ranging from believing in you to never quitting. I encourage you to always keep an open mind and never give up There are a million reasons for you to quit, but if you can find one reason not to quit, dont make the decision. Some asteroids will come our way, but they wont destroy my Saturday morning, in stead my Saturday morning will be about my dream, my hopes, and ultimately my will, my will to never give up; even in the hardest of times.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Piracy :: essays research papers
Piracy Recently, The Toronto Star published an article entitled "RCMP seizes BBS, piracy charges pending." The RCMP have possessed all computer components belonging to the "90 North" bulletin board system in Montreal, Quebec. The board is accused of allowing people the opportunity to download (get) commercial and beta (or commercial) software versions. I feel that the RCMP should not charge people that are linked to computer piracy, because the pirated software offers valuable opportunity to programmers and users. Also, revenue lost to the large software companies is such a small amount that the effect won't be greatly felt by them and so it is not worth the policing effort required to track down the pirates. When pirates distribute the illegal software, one could say that they are helping, than hurting the software companies. By distributing the software world wide, it creates great advertisement for the software companies and their products. Although the software company is losing profits from that particular version, it could generate future sales with other versions. Also, when the pirates distribute the software this could be a great source of test data for the software companies. This is an effective way to catch any unfounded bugs in the software program. From debugging to hacking, hackers can benefit the most. They can study and learn from the advancements with in the programming. So what does all this activity tell us? This tells us the people are willing to go to great lengths to get software at a lower cost, or possibly in exchange for other software and that they are succeeding in their efforts. Although more than 50% of their software income is from other companies which do not pirate, this poses a problem for the software industries. By fining a single bulletin board out of the thousands in North America, there would be little accomplished. Not to mention the fact the it is extremely difficult to prove and convict people under the Copyright Act. In today's society, revenue from software is such a small income source for corporations such as WordPerfect Corp. These companies make their money mainly from individuals purchasing extra manuals, reference material, supplementary hardware, and calling product support. Software companies are conscious of the pirate world and the changes they have made. Some companies actually want you to take the software by using the SHAREWARE concept. In SHAREWARE one gets a chance to use demo programs and then pay for the full purchase if he feels it is worthwhile. It is a bit like test driving a car, before one buys. In most cases, users are happy and end up
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Interactive Lecture Essay
What is interactive lecture? An interactive lecture is an easy way for instructors to intellectually engage and involve students as active participants in a lecture-based class of any size. Interactive lectures are classes in which the instructor breaks the lecture at least once per class to have students participate in an activity that lets them work directly with the material. * The instructor might begin the interactive segment with an engagement trigger that captures and maintains student attention. * Then the instructor incorporates an activity that allows students to apply what they have learned or give them a context for upcoming lecture material. * As the instructor feels more comfortable using interactive techniques he or she might begin to call upon a blend of various interactive techniques all in one class period. Why use interactive lecture? Lecturing is a time-honored teaching technique that is an efficient method to present large amounts of content in classes of any size and it is efficient for sharing information with large numbers of students, but may result in students who listen passively. * Making lectures interactive by including techniques such as think-pair-share, demonstrations, and role playing, can foster active engagement and enhance the value of the lecture segments. * Using techniques that allow all of the students to participate, instead of having individual students answer questions when called on, will promote student retention and learning of the material presented during lecture, give students practice in developing critical-thinking skills, and enable instructors to assess how well the class is learning that day. * Breaking up the lecture with these techniques not only provides format change to engage students, these activities allow students to immediately apply content and provides feedback to the instructor on student Activity Based Teaching Strategies The education on activity based teaching strategies Promotes teaching and learning strategies for learning activities, students work and provide opportunities for real life so they can contribute to self-learning and this strategy can be used to investigate the family situation, or discover an argument and the depth the sharpness. Examples of activity based teaching strategies, as follows: – The excursion – Games to make oral presentations – Discussion of the training group – innovative learning through projects The concept of learning The activities are part of the President of the elements of the program strategy and education are also important for other learning strategies and modern media: â€Å"The efforts of physical or mental exertion students (and teachers) to achieve this result, the following defines as â€Å"learning by students apply to intentional activity, and the deliberate and planned†He knew the work and activities â€Å"a student or students responsible for planning, the teacher’s request or desire of the classroom or outside resources, and in the form of movement or say or write according to the source of the accident the conduct in the place of activity to stop. For us it is clear that the task of wages, and reached a low with a test product, and it is necessary that the timing of how success is possible to reach the exit, but the educational activity, whether the teacher did and learning activities is done with the students and the educational activity is a means of learning activities can be educational and various learning activities, but teaching and learning activities with learning activities based on strategic problems of combined measures. Components of practice: It consists of activities in the preparation and planning of six elements: 1. Help 2. Time 3. Objective: The production, which aims to 4. Standard Admission 5. Calendar 6. Working (active substance) Benefits and advantages of activity based teaching strategies Learning by students through activity based teaching strategies on experience you get is of great importance because the education sector, with many goals and the advantages and benefits: †¢ increasing the student’s attention and willingness to respond to the educational settings †¢ Guide the development trend of students and their needs and develop their talents and the direction of education is correct. †¢ Provide real opportunities for students to self-study, where the benefits of the teaching learning situations in their future. †¢ lead to the strengthening of the independence †¢ Work in cooperative learning †¢ encourage students to take responsibility for their own learning †¢ Move the student to reluctance to exercise and respect for manual labor The role of students in the development and use of learning activities based. The role of students to do different things, including: 1. Their personal interests 2. Participate in educational objectives 3. Developing good organizational skills to keep unions 4. Involved in the program flow 5. Demonstrate enthusiasm for seeking new knowledge 6. In collaboration with other The teacher role in the development and use of activity based teaching strategies. Located in the role of the teacher in developing the strategy of education by â€Å"learning and the most important things the teacher must first of a activity based teaching strategies, as follows: 1. The planning and preparation for 2. Identify outcomes 3. Having noted the outcomes of learning using appropriate strategies such as the agenda: report or wish to evaluate the stairs 4. Choose the right activities and stimulating for students 5. Mechanisms within the group 6. Promote cooperation in carrying out activities Activity based teaching strategies describes a range of pedagogical approaches to teaching. Its core premises include the requirement that learning should be based on doing some hands on experiments and activities. The idea of activity based teaching strategies is rooted in the common notion that children are active learners rather than passive recipients of information. If child is provided the opportunity to explore by their own and provided an optimum learning environment.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Maritas Bargain Essay
Marita’s Bargain to be Success In this essay I am going to discuss the topic about to become a success Marita’s bargain by Malcolm Gladwell. Malcolm Gladwell talk about a young twelve years old Hispanic girl named Marita who come from a poverty stricken community single parent family at home in the New York city from the Bronx who has been deprived the opportunity for a better education from low income minority settings surrounding her. In addition Gladwell also talks about how Marita was given an opportunity to attend a KIPP school making a life changing sacrifice and more advantage of it. KIPP is that kind of school who stands for knowledge is power program, a learning academy helping low income family kids educate themselves through hard work, effort, more practice, dedication their time, weekend studies and also long term of schooling unlike those in the low income neighborhoods. Marita’s family could not give her or help her what she needed, so what does equ ality exist in the U.S? According to Malcolm Gladwell KIPP schools were designed to help educate low income family children to better their skill in reading, writing and mathematics. The KIPP schools would be inconvenient for kids without transportation weekend school that kids was not accustomed to summer vacation would be shortened for the kids educational development keeping their minds growing while others was out of school during that time. I think student not having a fair share at equal opportunity in the school system shows that their is no equality within U.S, we not asking to take away from the affected areas. From my opinion Jonathan Kozol would say to Gladwell about Marita needed to go to the KIPP School cause of she needs to get a better education system who comes from low income and uneducated family background. To be a success of a student firstly he or she needs a big support from school. KIPP is that kind of school where students can learn feel free. They take care of their students specially who are weak in reading, writing and mathematics. KIPP shows students correct path and dedicate their knowledge, time to give them a better education by shortened summer vacation become success of a student in his student life to get a better educate. Marita’s mom was like that parent who asked everyday her daughter after coming back from school. Would be Kozol knew it that’s why he recommended Marita needs to go to KIPP for a better educate. On the other hand I would like to say from my concept about according to Prudence L. Carter would say to Malcolm Gladwell that Marita needed to go to KIPP school and to shed parts of her cultural identity because the KIPP is stablished in the poor neighborhood and most of the students are from the same neighborhood who are poor as well by so many ways. As like as low income family, single parent, uneducated environment, identical contingency etceteras etceteras. â€Å"Marita has had to do the same because the cultural legacy she had been given does not match her circumstance either- not when middle- and upper-middle-class families are using weekends and summer vacation to push their children ahead. Her community does not give her what she needs†the story of success by Gladwell (266). I would like to say specially the reason of above for what she needs to go to KIPP. Because KIPP is that kind of school to be a success of Marita what she needs KIPP can give her. The KIPPâ€℠¢s intention or aim is to make their students skilled and success in reading, writing and also in mathematics. According to Gladwell, I think it is kind of necessary someone be forced to shed their cultural identity in order to receive a great education. For example, the U.S commissioner of education published a report by Edward Jarvis on the â€Å"Relation of Education to Insanity†(253). I would like to say here relation of a light to darkness. If there is no darkness the light is valueless. I mean light only need when the dark is present. As like as the same relation to each other cultural identity to get a great education. A child grow up in a culture and he or she learn a lot from here about good- bad, their relation with other, their circumstance, family status in the society, their identity and so on. A culture is the source of knowledge so it is very important to a child for his or her future life what depend on also to get a better education too. Here from my opinion also according to Malcolm Gladell everybody must have access to great education, one that prepares them for college and allows them to go to school near their homes in order to maintain a sense of their family and cultural identity. For example, specially their mental circumstance in the school. Because of the students known their city where the grown up and can show their friends the cool places. They do not have to worry about new places, new friends, environments and so on. Also unknown places has different identity than the home town. The students feel absence their family, friends, assist when the get sick etceteras. If the students live with their family in their home city whatever they need to get a big support and also get motivate from behind to do better and get a great education to the school a family and cultural identity can make them skillful and can over come any problem to conquer success. At last, I am very sure that dealing with this issue is really hard especially under this circumstance who grown up and try to be success in their life. The perfect environment is the priority advantage to become success and can give us necessary instruments in perfect time whenever we need to get better education. Not only that to become a successful in life every student hove to hard work, over efforting, dedicate their time, focus on the work, punctuality and so on then success truly comes.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Civil War Spies essays
Civil War Spies essays In the Civil War, spies helped turned many battles around by infiltrating the lines of control and getting vital information. As the war progressed, since both sides knew it was not an easy win, action was taken to improve the efforts of the war. One of the efforts being done was spying. As soon as the role of spying took over, this war became to be known as an information war. Many wondered how in the beginning the Southern had won the first Battle of the Bull Run in Manassas. It was because of the spying being done by the Confederacy. The development of spying trends began in the south. The Confederacy implemented a plan to the Secretary of State and Secretary of War and they approved it which then later brought a government spying agency known as the Signal Bureau (Markle 6). General T. J. Jackson was the first to deploy his own spy to gather information on the Unions (Markle 8). While the Unions thought it is an easy win by having more men, they were sadly mistaken. The spy instructed T. J. Jackson in getting more reinforcements and suggested a different route so they could attack by surprise in a disparate direction. When the battle was won by the Confederacy, it spawned a new evolution of how war was played. More spies were recruited and were instructed to gather more information. However, when the Unions learned of the souths tactics, they began to assemble one of their own group the Secret Service (Markle 6). The spies of the Secret Service were plenty but poorly trained and inexperienced. The Signal Bureau had more knowledge of spying in the beginning of the war but lacked spy volunteers. Although, those volunteers didnt spy for money, they did to prove their loyalty to their own states (Civil War Spies). Those that wanted to join in the Secret Service werent always admitted. The Secret Service had requirements to match your abilities. They would interview you by generals and doctors. First...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Analysis of Mississippi Burning essays
Analysis of Mississippi Burning essays In 1964 the nation was faced with the civil rights movement. It captured the attention of Americans and showed signs of hope and progress. Mississippi Burning illustrates the civil rights battle that the nation was facing at this time. The film follows the story of Anderson and Ward, 2 FBI agents that are sent to Jessup County, Mississippi to investigate the disappearance of 3 civil rights workers. The movie portrays the pain and suffering of the blacks and the hatred and rage felt by the whites. The movie is a good depiction of the civil rights events in 1964 and gives a powerful depiction to its audience. Mississippi Burning is the story of the investigation of the disappearance of 3 civil rights workers, 2 white and 1 black. Anderson and Ward are the 2 FBI agents that are sent to Jessup County to investigate. Ward represents the best and the brightest of the Kennedy administration while Anderson represents the opposite. He is a Mississippi native that wants to use unconventional methods to crack the case. For a while, the agents have little progress in the case because the blacks are afraid to speak up as are the whites because of the fear of the Ku Klux Klan. Their presence causes a chain of violence and cruelty towards the blacks, and in the end Mrs. Pell helps them unravel the truth to the disappearance of the three civil rights workers. The illustration of the civil rights movement in Mississippi in 1964 that is depicted in Mississippi Burning is a very accurate telling of the situation. Ward is a good example of the idealistic government officials in the Kennedy administration at the time. He shows hope in the cause and he is not willing to give up until the case is solved, and he is going to do this by using the book method. Also, the white Mississippian is very accurately portrayed in the film. The movie causes you to hate the mayor, sheriff, and deputy because of the depiction. It causes you ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Rivalry Between Beijing vs. Shanghai
Rivalry Between Beijing vs. Shanghai Beijing and Shanghai are arguably China’s two most famous and most important cities. One is the center of government, the other the center of modern commerce. One is steeped in history, the other is a glittering tribute to modernity. You might imagine that the two fit together like yin and yang, complimenting each other, and maybe that’s true... but they also hate each other. Beijing and Shanghai have a fierce rivalry that’s been going on for decades, and it’s fascinating. What Shanghai Thinks of Beijing and Vice Versa In Shanghai, people will tell you Beijing ren (Ã¥Å'â€"ä º ¬Ã¤ º º, â€Å"Beijingers†) are arrogant and uncouth. Although the city is host to more than 20 million people, Shanghai’s denizens will tell you they act like peasants- friendly, perhaps, but blustery and uncultured. Certainly not as refined and fashionable as Shanghaiers! â€Å"They [Beijingers] smell like garlic,†one Shanghai resident told the LA Times in an article on the rivalry. In Beijing, on the other hand, they’ll tell you that Shanghai people only care about money; they’re unfriendly to outsiders and selfish even among themselves. Shanghai men are said to place too much importance on business while being impotent pushovers at home. Shanghai women are supposedly bossy dragon ladies who push their men around whenever they’re not too busy spending their money shopping. â€Å"All they care for is themselves and their money,†a Beijinger told the LA Times. When Did the Rivalry Originate? Although China has dozens of huge cities these days, Beijing and Shanghai have played a major role in China’s culture for centuries. At the beginning of the twentieth century, Shanghai clearly had the upper hand it was the center of Chinese fashion, the â€Å"Paris of the East†, and Westerners flocked to the cosmopolitan city. After the revolution in 1949, though, Beijing became the center of China’s political and cultural power, and Shanghai’s influence waned. When China’s economy was opened up following the Cultural Revolution, Shanghai’s influence began to rise again, and the city became the heart of Chinese finance (and fashion). Of course, it’s not all macroeconomics and geopolitics. Although denizens of both cities would like to believe their cities are more influential, there is also a grain of truth to the stereotypes and jokes that get passed around; Shanghai and Beijing do have very different cultures, and the cities look and feel different. The Rivalry Today These days, Beijing and Shanghai are considered mainland China’s two greatest cities, and although the government being located in Beijing means that Beijing will probably have the upper hand for the foreseeable future, but that hasn’t stopped the two from competing. The Beijing Olympics in 2008, followed by Shanghai’s World Expo in 2010, have been a great source of fodder for comparative arguments about the virtues and faults of the two cities, and denizens of both will argue it was their city that put on the better show when they were on the world stage. Of course, the rivalry also plays out in professional sports. In basketball, a match between the Beijing Ducks and the Shanghai Sharks can be counted on to be contentious, and both teams are among the best in the league historically, though it has been more than a decade since the Sharks made an appearance in the finals. In soccer, Beijing Guoan and Shanghai Shenhua duke it out for bragging rights each year (though again, Beijing has had more recent success than Shanghai in the league). It’s unlikely that Beijingers and Shanghaiers will ever see totally eye to eye. It’s worth noting that the Beijing versus Shanghai feud sometimes even extends the ​city’s expatriate communities, so if you’re looking for a Chinese city to live in, choose wisely.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
The Evolution of Grunge in the fashion world Research Paper
The Evolution of Grunge in the fashion world - Research Paper Example Having no money, young people bought clothes on the thrifts and gradually invented so-called â€Å"grunge fashion†. Immensely effected by success of such grunge groups as Nirvana or Pearl Jam, many youngsters also organized local bands and played their own â€Å"loud and guitar-based†music. Finally, it was also about heroine which became cheap and affordable. All grunge musicians were heroine addicts and, therefore, popularized its usage among their followers. Later it will be utilized in the purpose of fashion trend known as â€Å"heroine chic†. Grunge subculture existed from the end of 80s till the beginning of 90s. However, within such a short period of time it made a great impact on the future fashion trends and peoples outlook. Grunge was considered rather controversial phenomenon. Originally, grunge fashion was referred as anti-fashion. However, many critics believed that it was neither fashion, nor anti-fashion, but so-called â€Å"non-, or un-fashion†(Grindstaff, 2014). As for its status as subculture, some also acknowledged that it was rather debatable: â€Å"People who listened to grunge music did not refer to themselves as â€Å"grungers†in the same way as â€Å"punks†or â€Å"hippies†(Price, 2010). Nevertheless, the crucial issue for this paper is mainly grunge style in clothing so further the main grunge tendencies will be analyzed and described. The word â€Å"grunge†means â€Å"dirt, filth, trash†(Martin, 1992). As a term to call new Pacific Northwest sound, it was first used by independent record label Sub Pop in 1980s. Jonathan Poneman, a Sub Pop founder described grunge music as the following: â€Å"It could have been sludge, grime, crud, any word like that†.The group provided cheap recording service for local Seattle bands. Grunge, or Seattle sound, was a â€Å"mix of heavy-metal, punk, and good old-fashioned rock and roll†(Grindstaff, 2014).
Friday, October 18, 2019
Abudhabi Financial Market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Abudhabi Financial Market - Essay Example The laws and regulation of the financial market are favorable for investment. The financial market of Abu Dhabi is on the verge of expansion with the proposed establishment of the world financial market in Abu Dhabi by the end of 2013. Executive Summary The operations of the financial markets of Abu Dhabi have been explained in this work. The various sectors, financial institution and companies comprising the financial markets of Abu Dhabi have been identified. The places of the trading in the financial markets, operational performance of the market and the risk associated with the operations of the financial market in Abu Dhabi have been explained. The rational behind the investors’ preference towards Abu Dhabi financial market has been analyzed by the estimation of risk-return trade off. The proposed plans of expansion of the Abu Dhabi financial market have been indicated through this work. The policies of the Abu Dhabi financial market in order to encourage foreign investme nts have been analyzed. Operations The financial market of Abu Dhabi is comprised of companies in the financial industry that includes the banking sector and the insurance sector. There are as many as seventeen banks that operate in the financial market of Abu Dhabi. There are no less than twelve insurance companies in the financial market of Abu Dhabi. ... Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange is the stock exchange of United Arab Emirates that conducts trading of shares and securities of the markets of Abu Dhabi that also includes the financial market of Abu Dhabi. The securities and shares of sixty seven companies in Abu Dhabi are traded in Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange. Apart from the financial sector, the companies listed in Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange also represent the services industry, industrial and hospitality sector, real estate, telecommunication, energy, etc. The various sectors whose stocks are listed in the Abu Dhabi financial market are given below with values in local currency (Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange, 2013). The Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange was established in the year 2000 for the purpose of trading of shares of the companies in United Arab Emirates. The trading locations of the Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange are at Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Ras Al Khaimah, Fujeirah, Al Ain. The Dubai Stock Exchange is a different sock excha nge in United Arab Emirates that trades shares of other public limited companies of UAE. However, some of the stocks listed in the Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange could also be traded through brokers in the Dubai Stock Exchange. The performance of the stocks of the Abu Dhabi Financial Market for the last one year is represented in the graph given below (BLOOMBERG, 2013). The above graphical representation of the performance of financial market of Abu Dhabi shows that the financial markets have undergone steady growth pattern in the last one year with less fluctuations of the performance of stocks listed in the financial market. The fluctuations or the volatility of the stocks in the financial market has
Why were American politicians unable to fashion a compromise, as they Essay
Why were American politicians unable to fashion a compromise, as they had done in the past, to avoid a civil war in 1860 and 186 - Essay Example Most authors have tried to give an explanation as to why American politicians were unable to avoid the occurrence of the war in the year 1860 and 1861. This leads to a number of questions. Why and how did the status of middle class women change between the years1776 and 1876? What militaries or ideas inspired and influenced antebellum reform remake and change of American society during the antebellum years? What made Southern nations to secede from the unification in the year1860 and 1861? This essay answers these three questions, hence outlining the reasons why American politicians were unable to avoid civil war in 1860 and 1861. Northern Middle-Class Women The change of lives and status of Northern middle class women between 1776 and 1876 really influenced the occurrence of the civil war. Women with delegate credentials such Lucretia Mott were denied access to the national assembly of the World Antislavery Convention (WAC) in London (Blackstone 5). This highly resulted in protests due to rejection of gender equality. Some of the angered delegates such as Mott stormed from this gender dissatisfaction to support the protests, which contributed to the civil war (DBQ #11, Doc. #3). During this era, women were unable to occupy the ethnically fashionable â€Å"separate sphere†hence this led to gender equality violence. ... #6). Antebellum Reforms The efforts and notions, which enthused and aggravated the antebellum reforms highly influenced the occurrence of the 1860 civil war. There is not period in the history of America that had superior efforts to change society than the preceding four years before the Civil War (DBQ #9, Doc. #1). During these four decades, there was a diversity of social problems, which came under attack (Blackstone 7). The most prominent reformer of the antebellum reform was Horace Mann. Throughout the years 1837 to 1848, this reformer (Mann) was the leader of the Massachusetts Board of Education. During his leadership, Mann was a tireless supporter of education and stated that, if the civic failed to prepare the children to be effective citizens, then the republic was to undergo destruction like other nations (DBQ #11, Doc. #4). During these years, many Americans worked tirelessly to construct public schools, improve healthcare facilities, promote women’s rights, and chan ge criminal integrity system, and battle drunkenness and poverty. By the 1850’s, abolitionism, which was an attempt to end slavery in American became the greatest issue of the antebellum reform movement (DBQ #9, Doc. #1). According to President Jackson’s statement, â€Å"I deem man can be prominent†¦Ã¢â‚¬ quoted from (Alice 22), people are more godlike, and they were capable of eliminating any challenge and governing themselves through perfecting the institutions in order to perfect the American democracy (DBQ #11, Doc. #1). In the American history, antebellum reform comprised of frantic efforts to eradicate evils and right wrongs, which soon resulted to wars (McCutchen 33). William started publishing The Liberator in the year 1831whose aim was to motivate people to lift up the
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Project management plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Project management plan - Essay Example An effective planning process offers details and facilitates in formation of the project work strategies along with ascertaining an approach to continue and achieve effective findings and objectives of the project (ANA Eastern Region, 2006). An effective project planning ensures to provide effective designs for future initiatives in order to clarify project goals and it also enables to develop the vision of the processes which facilitate to attain the ultimate project objectives. It also evidently enables to identify different issues and provides efficient alternative courses in order to address those issues. Moreover, an effective project planning process further enables to make best utilisation of the resources and it also plays a major role in motivating workforces to effectively utilise the resources and assign responsibilities to achieve the ultimate outcome of the project (ANA Eastern Region, 2006). In terms of preparing an effective plan for ethnic marketing activities, projec t planning stage can also identify certain impacts that can lead to provide substantial benefits towards the organisation’s strategies. With this concern, innovation can be considered as one of the major beneficial aspects for conducting the plan for ethnic marketing to achieve sustainable position as well as to attain competitive advantage in the global market. Moreover, the project plan related to ethnic marketing is further beneficial to achieve substantial growth in the global marketplace due to the reason that there has been a rapid expansion of multicultural consumer segments across different regions (American Hotel & Lodging Association, 2010). Key Stages and Milestones Necessary to Complete Ethnic Marketing Project Plan...In terms of preparing an effective plan for ethnic marketing activities, project planning stage can also identify certain impacts that can lead to provide substantial benefits towards the organisation’s strategies. Key Stages and Milestones Ne cessary to Complete Ethnic Marketing Project Plan A successful and effective project planning considerably encompasses certain major stages. The planning stage in the project management process encompasses a series of activities which involves different elements/parameters of the overall project in order to make the project ready for the execution process. Project plan consists of three major activities such as: Risk Management Plan Quality Management Plan Issue Management Plan Change Management Plan Acceptance Plan Communication Plan Execution & Controlling Stage Project execution and controlling stage can be identified as a major phase where the resources and all project activities are implemented. Project Closing Stage The closing stage of the project management related to the ethnic marketing project is the final step which significantly aims to evaluate the implementation and the results of the activities of the overall project.
Journal Article Critique Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Journal Article Critique - Assignment Example o establish whether the authors arrived at a valid conclusion given the elements of research that were used (participants, methods, measurement principles, and secondary sources of information). The participants of the study were composed of 101 employees of a Korean construction company and a quantitative method of research was used to validate the hypotheses that were noted (Raile, Kim, Choi, Serota, & Lee, 2008). The hypotheses were clearly stated as each measure of centrality was being determined in terms of its link to job satisfaction in the Korean workplace. This is therefore consistent with Keyton’s (2006) discussion on assessing hypotheses (Chapter 3). Further, as the variables were clearly established, a regression analysis effectively validated the significant relationships to the chosen variables, as computed and revealed in the results. As also required, issues of reliability and validity, as discussed by Keyton (2006) were noted and resolved. A discussion on limitations of the study clearly noted lack of sample and data for workplace friendship networks within the Korean setting. Therefore, as recommended, future research could address the limitations b y increasing the sample size and by applying the study in other work setting using diverse cultural orientations. The authors validly arrived at a conclusive evidence that there is a link between closeness and job satisfaction using the components of quantitative method effectively with verifiable and credible
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Research Methods - Dissertation Proposal (Balanced Scorecards - Why to Essay - 1
Research Methods - Dissertation Proposal (Balanced Scorecards - Why to go for it, how to develop and implement, how effective are they ) - Essay Example Norton in 1992, in an article that appeared in the Harvard Business Review titled: â€Å"The Balanced Scorecard: Measures that drive performance.†This management strategy was devised in response to the fact that while most financial measures were able to track the past performance of a business, they were unable to effectively assess the intangible factors that contributed towards ensuring that the business retained a competitive advantage in the marketplace (Rutan 1996). The Balanced Scorecard is therefore a strategic measure of performance, not only from the financial point of view but from a more broad based perspective that also enables accurate projection of future goals and the degree of adherence of the business to those goals. The concept of performance measures was earlier developed by Peter Drucker as Management by Objectives (Birnbaum 2000:43-52). Employees in every department were to set out short-term objectives, which were to be achieved within a certain deadlin e. Companies such as General Motors and RCA Foods adopted this method of management, but it was found to be ineffective due to the failure to take into account the unpredictable human factor in actual practice. There are two underlying principles that drive the Balanced Scorecard. The first one is that adhering to strictly financial measures hinders a company’s ability to formulate long term value. The second principle is that what gets measured is what actually gets done. ( Therefore, while the Balanced Scorecard retains traditional financial measures, it also includes such factors as customers, suppliers, technology, process, employees and innovation. Therefore, this strategy identifies four distinct areas that need to be analyzed: Kaplan and Norton advocate the design of a comprehensive set of develop a scorecard, to evaluate the status of the business and what needs to be done to improve or enhance the scorecard to make it balanced in all the four fronts
Journal Article Critique Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Journal Article Critique - Assignment Example o establish whether the authors arrived at a valid conclusion given the elements of research that were used (participants, methods, measurement principles, and secondary sources of information). The participants of the study were composed of 101 employees of a Korean construction company and a quantitative method of research was used to validate the hypotheses that were noted (Raile, Kim, Choi, Serota, & Lee, 2008). The hypotheses were clearly stated as each measure of centrality was being determined in terms of its link to job satisfaction in the Korean workplace. This is therefore consistent with Keyton’s (2006) discussion on assessing hypotheses (Chapter 3). Further, as the variables were clearly established, a regression analysis effectively validated the significant relationships to the chosen variables, as computed and revealed in the results. As also required, issues of reliability and validity, as discussed by Keyton (2006) were noted and resolved. A discussion on limitations of the study clearly noted lack of sample and data for workplace friendship networks within the Korean setting. Therefore, as recommended, future research could address the limitations b y increasing the sample size and by applying the study in other work setting using diverse cultural orientations. The authors validly arrived at a conclusive evidence that there is a link between closeness and job satisfaction using the components of quantitative method effectively with verifiable and credible
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Compare and contrast these two newspaper articles Essay Example for Free
Compare and contrast these two newspaper articles Essay The tabloid and broadsheet articles have the same topic but are written in extremely different styles. They are both in the same place within the two papers and are not on the front page. This shows they are not major stories. The lexis and syntax are different as is the graphology. The tabloids aim for target readers in social groups C2, D and E while the broadshhet papers aim for target readers in social groups A, B and C1. The tabloid paper uses the pyramid formation to lay out the pages. The headline is made the biggest piece of writting to grab attention. A pun is put in to get you to then read on. For Prince Harry they use His Royal Styness which is a play on words were they involve the story and how he is being punished by having to work on a farm. The tabloid then focuses mainly on the pictures which have been manipulated by adding in people that arent there to make Harry look worse so more people will want to read the rest of the story. The picture was superimposed and this sets you up for the following text. The writting its self isnt very informative and uses a basic lexis and syntax for wearing a Nazi uniform to a pals fancy dress party. this uses a more Colloquial language. The style is informal and the writer uses a semantic field of Nazis and pig farming. The tabloid also has small side stories and links that lead of in another direction, they have a story still involved with the royal family but moves of Prince Harry and on to the whole royal family when they have a survey about them. The writer makes the overall register quite playful and slightly mocking towards the Prince making him look less respectable Weed the plants (not that weed Harry) is put into embarasses him as he had been acused of doing cannabis before. The writting is more opinion based The rowdy royal than factual based and it doesnt state who the quotes are from in name a security resource revealed. Unlike the broadsheet paper so it shows that the tabloid paper is more factual. In the broadsheet paper the quotes seem more reliable because it says exactly who is saying it and it gives a short amount of information about who the quote is from Ian Davidson, the MP for Glasgow. This article doesnt exploit the story and use it as an excuse to mock Prince Harry. The writer Andrew Pierce puts in his opinion subtly. The writer makes fewer puns and uses fewer pictures and focuses more on the actual text. Pierce uses a more intellectual syntax and using a wider and more polysyllabic words recomendations, combination and commemorate. Pierce uses longer more complex scentences using more clauses the hearings, which will be televised, begin on February 7. The target readership is for people who generally enjoy reading, like those in social groups A, B and C1. Pierce took a different perspective on this story and didnt focus on Harry so much but spread the story wider to cover the whole of the royal family questioning them politaclly and morally. Plans by German politicians .. could cause further embarrassment for the Royal Family This shows that the braodsheet paper is taking things into more depth. The graphology is plainer with just the headline, the text and a small picture making you focus more on the actual text. The overal register is more serious and truthful. The broadsheet paper and tabloid papers are on two very different levels. The broadsheet is more in depth and formal, while the tabloid is more informal and uses a more colloquial language. This shows the different styles of writting used and the different layouts.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Canadian Residential School System Education Essay
Canadian Residential School System Education Essay The Canadian Teacher Magazine is an educational scholarly resource meant for use by high school students and teachers, young Canadians, communities and anyone who might be interested in the history of First Nations education. It seeks to enable readers understand the major developments impacting First Nations before the Europeans arrival up to this day. The text has three portions. The first-First Nations History-gives a short summary of the distinctive cultures of Early First Nations in Canada. It explores the system of education that was implemented before the arrival of Europeans. The second portion explores the system of education that was implemented by the government and the missionaries after their arrival. Llewellyns (2002) article on Dealing with the Legacy of Native Residential School Abuse in Canada by University of Toronto Law Journal, a scholarly source particularly describes how the residential schools system introduced to the First Nations affected school going childre n. This point is supplemented by other non scholarly sources such as Chrisjohns The Circle Game. Another non scholarly source is Dubashs film titled Indian Residential Schools in Canada, which depicts the experiences of aboriginal kids in residential schools. The third part explains how Indian Control of Indian Education impacted education among First Nations communities as depicted by Wells (2012) in his book Wawahte: Canadian Indian Residential Schools. This part is the most relevant to the topic at hand as it explores how the First Nations worked with the government in order to improve the education system and general learning environment. It is rather obvious that this collaboration was long overdue. As such, its outcome would be of benefit to both partied involved in its implementation. The credibility of these articles on Canadian Residential Schools can be ascertained as it is a reflection of the education system that existed among First Nations from the context of teachers a nd students. Today the Canadian Government has partnered with First Nations in this era of reconciliation to help establish stronger First Nations communities. Essential collaborative efforts are can be seen all across the country in areas as diverse as First Nations education, social services, governance, economies, culture, human right and resolution of outstanding claims. The term First Nations is used to encompass the wide range of aboriginal peoples in Canada, which include Indians (status or non- Status), Metis, Inuit, aboriginals and native peoples. This paper is intended to provide readers interested in First Nations education with information about current developments in federal, provincial (public and separate) and band schools across the country. As well, this study is intended to give schools, school officials, teachers and parents or guardians examples of various approaches, so that they may improve their own situations. It is based on the results of a survey of schools and on submissions from Departments or Ministries of Education (Wells, 2012). At present, the majority of First Nations students attend one of four types of school: federal day schools, which are located on reserved; provincial (public) day schools, usually off reserve; band schools on reserves; and separate schools, usually affiliated with church denominations. Since the policy of Indian Control of Indian (First Nation) Education was adopted in 1973, the number of federal schools has declined dramatically as bands have assumed responsibility for these schools (Wells, 2012). Most mainstream account accounts of the education of the education of First nations in Canada begin with the arrival of the Europeans. Although this may be accurate in terms of formal schooling, it is worthwhile to consider the education that was practiced before this contact. Traditional Education Long before the arrival of Europeans in North America, Indians had evolved their own form of education. It was an education in which the community and the natural environment were the classroom, and the land was seen as the mother of the people. Members of the community were the teachers, and each adult was responsible for ensuring that each child learned how to live a good life. The development of the whole person was emphasized through teachings which were often shared in storytelling. Each group of first Nations has its own legendary hero through which much learning was transmitted, including Raven, Nana bush and Weakachak. They were regarded as transformers or tricksters of learning, through which children learned such traditional varies as humility, courage, respect and honesty (Chrisjohn, Young, Maraun, 1997). Although there was little segregation of family for events, whether social or work-related, children were taught that there were times when they should be silent and all ow adults to speak without interruption. Silence was regarded as the cornerstone of character. Traditional education was largely an informal process that provided the young with the specific skills, attitudes and knowledge they needed to function in everyday life within the context of a spiritual world view. It taught many skills as part of everyday life, as can be seen in Rabbit Snaring, (Chrisjohn, Young, Maraun, 1997). Jeanette Armstrong describes the traditional indigenous peoples view of education as a natural process occurring during everyday activitiesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ensuring cultural continuity and survival of the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being of the unit of its environment. (Llewellyn, 2002). Education Provided By the Federal Government and the Missionaries In the early 17th century, missionaries were brought over from Europe to establish schools for Indians. This was believed to be the best method of bringing Christian civilization to the heathen Natives. The Roman Catholic Church was the first to get involved in educating Indians in the 1600s. The Protestant churches did not get involved until after the turn of the 19th century. Day schools were the first to be established. The day schools were largely abandoned in favor of residential (boarding) schools from the latter 1800s through to the 1950s, though a few day schools did continue to be built, and the building of day schools on reserves accelerated after 1950 (Llewellyn, 2002). Residential (Boarding) Schools Residential schools were designed to isolate children from their parents and the influences of the reserve. Schools were often located many miles away from the childs community. Children stayed at the residential schools for at least ten months of the year, from the ages of six (sometimes younger) through to 18 years. Residential schools provided a very basic education designed to prepare students for futures as working farmers, housemaids, mechanics or the like. It was to make provision for the domestic and Christian life of the Indian children. The residential schools were oppressive. After being separated from their families, the children were then subjected to a severe regimen of work. The boys were expected to clean the stables, butcher cattle, mend broken machinery and work in the fields. In fact, by the half-day plan, they were expected to spend as much time in this kind of manual labor as in school. The same was true of the girls who had spend half of their time doing laundry, sewing, working in the kitchen and doing other forms of housework (Llewellyn, 2002). The residential school was most notable for the incredibly high mortality rates among the students. Many died from the effects of tuberculosis. At about the turn of the century, it was estimated that 50% of the children who passed through these schools did not live to benefit from the education they had received therein (Dubash, 2008). The federal government became involved in the education of the Indians in the mid-1800s. The residential schools became jointly operated by the government and the church. The churchs duty was to manage the school, contribute part of the operating cost, and most importantly, provide Christian guidance to the children. The government was responsible for inspection, special rules and regulations as well as making financial grants. The highest recorded number of such schools in Canada was 80, in 1933. The enrolment in the schools varied anywhere from 50 or so to over 400 students of all ages (Wells, 2012). Most of these schools were closed by themed-1980s. However, in Saskatchewan, several remain but under the control of the First nations bands and offer culturally sensitive environment to the students. The residential schools have had a lasting negative effect on First Nations people as a whole. These schools removed children from their parents and their communities. Generations of Indian children were denied a normal family childhood. They were denied the association with family, with their extended familys perceptions of spiritualism, of acceptable behavior and of the means of survival. For many, residential schools meant the loss of their native language, the principal means by which culture is accumulated, shared and transmitted from generation to generation. The result was a tragic interruption of culture. The legacy of the residential schools was one of cultural conflict, alienation, poor self-concept and lack of preparation for independence, for jobs and for life in general. Much of what was learned and experienced in residential schools was a direct and purposeful contradiction to the philosophy of traditional First Nations societies as a whole. Integration- Education provided by provincial Governments To civilize and Christianize gave way in the 1950s and 1960s to a policy of integration. Integration, administratively defined, was the process of having First Nations children attend provincial schools (Loyie, 2009). Since the policy of integration was introduced in 1948, the government of Canada has at its highest point been successful in making provision for about 65% (about 43% today) of First Nations students in integrated schools. The integration program was introduced and continued with little or no discussion with First Nations parents and children or the Non- Native community. No specific training of teachers or of the national curriculum was designed to put up with the children of another culture. In 1967, Dr. Harry Hawthorn, a professor at the University of British Columbia, released a two-volume study on contemporary Indians (Wells, 2012). In 1972, the Winnipeg Free Press revealed a number of Hawthorns findings on Indian education. The article stated that integration has not provided the answer to the demand for significant education for First Nations children. Integration has, in many schools, resulted in only a physical presence (Chrisjohn, Young, Maraun, 1997). This program has not been one of true integration where the different cultures are recognized; rather it has been a program of assimilation where First nation students are absorbed into the dominant society. Indian Control of Indian (First Nation) Education In the 1960s, First Nations leaders began to react openly to the deplorable conditions of their people. In response to the educational concerns being raised by First Nations people, the federal governments Standing Committee on Indian Affairs was charged with the responsibility of preparing a report on Indian education. This report, presented in the House of Commons on June 22, 1971, unfolded before the Canadian public the educational problems facing Indian people (Loyie, 2009). Some of the findings included: A drop-out rate four times the national average (96% of Indian children never finished high school); A related unemployment rate averaging 50% for adult males, going as high as 90% in some communities; inaccuracies and omissions relating to the Indian contribution to Canadian history in texts used in federal and provincial schools; An age-grade retardation rooted in language conflict and early disadvantage, which accelerated as the child progressed through the primary and elemen tary grades (Dubash, 2008). The First Nations peoples response was generated by the 1969 government White Paper, based on the goal of eliminating the special status of Indians in the wake of a First Nations school strike in North East Alberta in 1971 (protesting school facilities on reserves). The National Indian brotherhood (now the assembly of First Nations) established a working committee that would reflect a national position on education (Llewellyn, 2002). The committees work culminated in the document, Indian Control of Indian Education (ICIE). In February 1973, the minister for Indian Affairs gave official departmental recognition to the ICIE document stating that: I have given the National Indian Brotherhood my assurance that I and my department are fully committed to realizing the educational goals for the Indian people which are set forth in the Brotherhoods proposal (Wells, 2012). First nations Philosophy of education is in many ways more valid and universal than the one which prevails in educational circles today. Instead of a one-sided view of history, First Nations want their children to learn a Canadian History that honors their customs, accomplishments, values and contributions. As George Manuel stated: We want our children to learn science and technology so that they can promote the harmony of man with natureà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦not destroy it. We want our children to learn about other peoples in literature and social studies, and in the process to learn to respect the values and cultures of others (Llewellyn, 2002). ICIE is a four point policy dealing with parental responsibility, school curriculum and programs, teachers and school facilities. Parental Responsibility Under the terms of the 11 major treaties between the Indians and the federal government and the Indian act, the federal government of Canada is obligated to provide funds for the education of Indians. This is an incontestable fact. In no way does the principle of Indian control or local control contradict or nullify this fundamental federal obligation. The governments financial responsibility does not justify its dominance over lives of Indian people. This policy statement demands that Indian parents participate as partners with the government in the education of their children. Teachers and Counselors The federal government must help train Indians as teachers and counselors, in co-operation with First Nations peoples. Non- Indian teachers and counselors should receive additional training to prepare them for cross-cultural situations and teach them how to make the curriculum for Indian children more meaningful, i.e., more relevant, and also how to instill pride and cultural awareness in their students. Facilities Educational facilities must meet the needs of the local population. Substandard buildings and equipment must be replaced. Conclusion From this overview, it is obvious that the missionaries and both federal and provincial governments have failed in 300 years to administer an effective educational program for First Nations. This failure has been attributed to several factors; namely the absence of a consistent philosophy of education with clearly articulated goals and objectives, failure to provide a meaningful program based on First Nations reality, a lack of qualified teaching staff, inadequate facilities, and most important , the absence of parental and community involvement in the education of their children. Studies on the effects on integration have shown that First Nations children reveal patterns that can be identified as alienation and identity conflict. The First Nations student is caught between two cultures and is, therefore, literally outside of, and between, both. Through the policy of ICIE, the effect of parental responsibility and local control has clearly brought about positive changes within the past two decades. These include an increase in the numbers of First Nations students completing high school and entering universities and colleges, an increasing number of First nations teachers, and increasingly more research being done by First Nations providing valuable insights on the effect the various forms of education are having. More importantly, the problems and challenges associated with ICIE are becoming clearer and attempts are being made towards resolving them. Critical to improving the situation is the need for legal recognition of First Nations jurisdiction over education. This was identified very early on as a serious problem. It was noted that the Indian Act presents no direct legal foundation for the shifting of control of education from the minister to Indian bands. It empowers the minister to enter into contracts with territorial and provincial governments, public school boards, or charitable or religious organizations, but not with Indian bands. Clearly, the fundamental obstacle to Indian Control of Indian Education is the lack of legislation. Without it, we can expect only minor adjustment to the existing situation. With it, an Indian band or group of bands would be able to write its own Education Act, and determine its own administrative unite, policies, aims and objectives.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
What is Illiteracy? :: Illiteracy Essays
What exactly is illiteracy? An adult or adults with a reading incapacity, a lack of knowledge of a subject, and/or a error in speech or writing according to Encarta World English Dictionary is a person or persons with illiteracy. Ronald Nash the author of an on-line article entitled â€Å"The Three Kinds of Illiteracy†he describes the three different types of illiteracy. Nash explains in detail cultural, moral, and functional illiteracy in his article. Cultural illiteracy defined by E.D. Hirsch Jr. is to possess the basic information needed to thrive in the modern world (Nash). Moral illiteracy is not being taught or lacked the education and understandings in religious or spiritual beliefs (Nash). Functional illiteracy refers to the inability of an individual to use reading, speaking, writing, and computational skills in everyday life (Literacy Center for the Midlands). Functional illiteracy is probably the most familiar and known to the public out of the three.      Functional illiteracy is measured on a scale of five levels. Level one is an adult or adults who can read a little, but not well enough to fill out an application, read a food label, or a simple story to a child (NIFL: National Institute for Literacy- Frequently Asked Questions). Level two adult or adults can perform more complex tasks such as comparing and contrasting a situation (NIFL: National Institute for Literacy- Frequently Asked Questions). Level three to level five adult or adults usually perform the same types of more complex tasks on increasingly lengthy and dense texts and documents (NIFL: National Institute for Literacy- Frequently Asked Questions).      According to the A Untied Way Agency web page posts on-line article entitled The Scope of Illiteracy in this Country, 23% of adults who were surveyed by the National Adult Literacy Survey (NALS), were at level one illiteracy. 25%- 28% of the adults surveyed were at the second lowest level, that is level two (The Scope of Illiteracy in this Country). This information was released to the public in September 1993, but the survey was complete in 1992 (Literacy Center for the Midlands-Facts on Illiteracy). This survey measured three areas that included: pose, documentation, and quantitative proficiency (Literacy Center for the Midlands-Facts on Illiteracy).      Through many studies it has shown that illiteracy has a significant impact on the economy (Economic Impact of Illiteracy in this Country). The American Council of Life Insurance reports that three quarters of the Fortune 500 companies provide some level of remedial training for their workers (Economic Impact of Illiteracy in this Country).
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Compare & Contrast 3 Essays -- essays research papers
The three essays, "Thank God For The Atom Bomb" by Paul Fussel, "Democracy" by Carl Becker, and "Chief Seattle: Letter to President Pierce, 1855" are three different rhetorical modes of writing that exposits theoretical, personal reasoning on the realities of certain controversial historical topics. The main focus of the essays are in proving a steadfast view of an ambiguous subject through sarcastic criticism of opposing ideas and by applying clever use of irony; the authors’ sentiments vary from imperialistic to anti-imperialistic, and from attesting to detesting a past event."Thank God For The Atom Bomb" is a straightforward imperialistic literature which analyzes cause and effect to justify the use of the Atomic bomb during World War 2. The author continuously criticizes the evil of the Japanese in an attempt to convince the reader why the "Japs" deserved what they got. He sites a Japanese pilot saying, "All Japanese must become soldiers and die for the Emperor" to prove his point that the general mentality of the enemy was just that –"implacable, treacherous, barbaric"(p460), and savage. He consistently acknowledges his up-close experience with the war to inform the reader that he has sufficient basis for his analysis. But to reinforce his authenticity that his view is not just possessed by himself, he borrows many statements and examples used by others who share his ideas. The U.S. war committee already drew out plans for a full-scale coastal assault and that was about to take action anytime; if the bomb was not to be dropped, an armed invasion on the mainland would call for a hellish massacre of unpredictable proportions on both the American and Japanese side. He noted a British observer saying "But for the atomic bombs, ... they would have annihilated the lot of us"(p457). Just preventing an anticipated one million American casualties was sufficient cause for the Nagasaki bomb that "led to peace"(p459).The effect of the bomb should be obvious that "the killing was all going to be over, and peace was actually going to be the state of things"(p462). Though not a very compassionate statement, it is true to the fact that the war was over and the killing has come to an end; the reason being that the Japanese has already been killed. "We were going...’s dreams are hidden from us"(p409) concludes the sarcasm in referring to the white man’s destructive motives as his endeavorous dream, something obscured from his inferior red counterpart.These three pieces of literature are exclusively fanatical essays preaching the oblivious existence of ethical errors in people and in the general society through different expository styles. All three rationalizes on ego superiority, the foundation of imperialism. Yet their philosophies are not exactly conforming with one another. It can be derived from "Democracy" that the author dislikes people for labeling any fascist government as democratic - thus a superior state - to justify for unrelated wars or revolutions (i.e. the Nazi imperialism); while "Thank God For The Atom Bomb" attests American righteous-superiority during the Pacific Wars and criticizes people who thinks his ideas imperialistic. Chief Seattle who detested against imperialism, can no d oubt be seen as also possessing self superiority for it can be judged that he believes the red man to be superior, at least from a moral point of view. Therefore concludes the similarities and differences of the essays.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Native American Paper Essay
In the pre-Columbian era when the Europeans had not yet discovered the â€Å"New World†there lived many distinct but also similar tribes that ruled all across. Many tribes existed during this era of prosperity for the Native Americans. A few of the main tribes of it are the Cherokee, Iroquois, Navajo, and Sioux who were all special in their own way. Firstly, the Cherokee were made up of seven clans with which each had a different purpose and job. The names and jobs of all the tribes in English are Long Hair which sends the Peace Chief, Blue who is the oldest; Wolf to protect clans, Wild Potato is the keeper of the land (gatherers), Deer is the fastest runners and hunters, Bird sends messengers, and lastly Paint are the medicine people. The belief system for the Cherokee was that good is rewarded and evil is punished. One main object they used was river cane making and using it for multiple purposes. The Trail of Tears was an important part of the Cherokee past since they used it to move to a different territory. (Information for the Cherokee Paragraph: Secondly, the Iroquois were consisted up of a small amount of tribes such as Cayuga, Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Seneca, and Tuscarora. The main Iroquois considered themselves to be a superior people which lowered their numbers as time went by. One more reason the numbers went down was because they joined the British during the Revolutionary War. The belief of the Iroquois was that they should not kill each other and a sense of internal unity. The way the Iroquois survived was through a political system. (Information for the Iroquois Paragraph:? http://www. tolatsga. org/iro. html).
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Poem Paraphrase paper Essay
When Richard Cory entered the business district all of the townspeople would stand aside and watch him. He was trim and clean cut. He was very rich and knowledgeable. He was also extremely privileged. The townspeople wanted to be him. They continue to work their lives away. One day Richard Cory killed himself. This brief summary of Edwin Arlington Robinson’s â€Å"Richard Cory†does not capture the true emotion and irony presented in the original poem. It excludes many uses of connotation, which help the reader build a clear mental picture. In the paraphrase it uses far more words to explain what exactly is happening in Richard Cory’s life. The poem â€Å"Richard Cory†is known for its use of irony and word association. Throughout the poem Robinson’s use of phrases such as â€Å"imperially slim†, â€Å"from sole to crown†, and â€Å"schooled in every grace†give you a strong mental image of what Richard Cory looks like and how he presents himself which certainly leaves you feeling as if he is of royalty. There are also many other royal connections such as the use of the line â€Å"He was rich-yes, richer than a king-†and also just by the main characters name alone, which is composed of the word Rich. Richard is also the name of many kings as well. In the paraphrase it fails to present certain word associations that readers would pick up on in the poem. Instead of using words that aid your imagination in the right direction it is very blunt for example by saying â€Å"He is very rich and knowledgeable†doesn’t quite leave the same effect as saying, â€Å"admirably schooled in every grace†. I do feel though that in the paraphrase it is far more shocking when Richard Cory’s suicide is announced because there is no clear foreshadowing presented. Where as in the poem it hinted as if he were only perfect on the surface by entering the line â€Å"In fine, we thought he was everything†. This leaves the lingering impression that something is truly wrong underneath his perfect exterior, which the paraphrase fails to capture. The summary is far less descriptive when it comes to the reveal of Richard Cory’s death. For example when you learn about his suicide in the paraphrase all that you are able to infer is that he took his own life. Where as in the poem it goes into greater detail by telling the reader exactly when and how the suicide was committed by saying â€Å"And Richard Cory, one calm summer night, Went home and put a bullet through his head†. Thepoem leaves much room for the reader to infer certain things by hinting and using vocabulary to portray a certain image. The line announcing his death has many contrasting meanings in itself to exemplify the pure irony of the entire poem. It mentions a calm summer night, where as the night was anything but calm for him. When summer is read it is typically used to portray light and happiness and by saying that it was night eliminates the meaning. It uses the word calm to present the idea that everyone else in the city was relaxed whilst Richard Cory was feeling desperate in the dark night. Without these connotations in the paraphrase it lacks the dramatic effect in the reveal of his Cory’s death. In the beginning of the poem it refers to the townspeople being on the pavement, which is typically lower than the sidewalk, already putting Cory above the working class. Since already reading through this poem many times it becomes clearer and clearer that Richard Cory was attempting to reach out to someone the entire time but everyone was much too intimidated to respond to him. It mentions that he was â€Å"always quietly arrayed†and also that he was â€Å"always human when he talked†which gives us the impression that he still remained a true gentleman in contrary to the amount of money he may posses. The poem states â€Å"but still he fluttered pulses when he said â€Å"Good Morning††. But it never suggests that anyone ever responded to Richard Cory even though he seems to be reaching out by always remaining down to earth and easy to talk to. These desperate attempts at communication are defiantly not portrayed in the summary of the poem at all which fails to revel his desperation that also foreshadows his death. The poem begins with the townspeople idealizing Richard Cory to them realizing that they are stuck as workers that must go â€Å"without the meat, and curse the bread†which is most likely where they will remain for their entire lives. In the first line of the poem it refers to Richard Cory going â€Å"downtown†which insinuates that he must of previously of been uptown which leads you to believe that is where he lives, on the richer side of the city. Throughout the poem you get a sense that the townspeople respect Richard regardless of the royal connotations. A paraphrase is good in bad in the sense that it lacks certain word associations that present a clear mental image for the reader and by the way that it sums up a poem in its purest form by eliminating many connotations and examples that help show the bigger picture in the poem. Robinson uses dramatic irony to present the message that not everything is what it seems. These workers spend their lives wishing for everything that they think Richard has when in reality they have no idea the emptiness that his life consists of. The summary of the poem lacks the emotion portrayed in the story as well as eliminating many hidden details that foreshadow the events. The poem develops the story in a mysterious forces the reader to dig deeper into the character as well as the meaning while a summary disconnects you from the characters in the poem. Altogether a paraphrase lacks the emotional intensity as well as depth distilled in original poetry.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Intersect Benchmark Swot Analysis Paper
Intersect Benchmark SWOT Analysis Paper Karen M Lane MMPBL/520 Transformational Leadership September 26, 2011 Steve Williams Small business owners and organizations fight for survival is becoming a part of everyday conversations, headline news, journey topics, and radio talk. Businesses around the world are trying to avoid the graveyard for businesses. This is a place where unsuccessful businesses rest after consumers closes their wallets and corporate revenue plunge beyond repair.The fight for survival is real and the challenges faced have the potential to bring a finish to a once good ideal. Strategic planning is a necessary tool for an organization or small business to know where the company is headed and what means the plan will get the organization there. This plan may consist of looking at the organization’s strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats (SWOT). This paper will benchmark two well know companies while using a SWOT analysis to compare and contrast leaders hip and change management. SWOT analysis is the foundation for building a strategic plan. SWOT analysis identifies the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threads an organization is facing. The advantage of completing a SWOT analysis is the gathered information that may be used to empower the organization through building on the strengths, identifying and overcoming weaknesses, using opportunities for advancement, and the ability to properly manage and minimize external threats†(McNamara, 2011). The two companies of choice is Southwest Airlines andCompany History and SWOT Analysis Southwest Airlines â€Å"In 1966 a group of Texas investors founded a company called Air Southwest Co. later becoming incorporated as Southwest Airline Co. in 1967. Southwest has become the largest domestic airline in the United States by the amount of passengers carried. Southwest Airlines has been in business for over 43 years as a successful airline, but their success has not been without a cost Southwest devised a plan to eliminate in-flight meals, aggage transfer, and other traditional frill to ensure lower cost. This helped Southwest Airlines create a new form of transportation by competing against the automobile industry for travel (International Directory of Company Histories, 2005). Southwest added a new twist to the airline and transportation industry that caused its competitors to step out of their comfort zone. Over the next several years Southwest Airlines grew larger through the waging of price wars from their competitors. In 2000 Southwest revenues were 6. billion and became known for their â€Å"Taking Care of Business†slogan. Southwest relinquish corporate perks to continue to supply their customers with cheaper fares. Southwest’s much success was soon followed by 9/11 terrorist attacks. â€Å"In the mist of 9/11 Southwest’s competitors experienced thousands of workers being laid off, lost billions of dollars, and headed for pr otection from the bankruptcy courts, but Southwest continued to profit†(International Directory of Company Histories, 2005). A couple of known causes were airlines faced extremely high oil prices like never before, drastic security measures had to be taken to prevent something like this from happening again, and customers once more turned to use other forms of transportation. The loss of confidence that customers and the airlines suffered from the 9/11 hijackings cause a fear throughout the world†(Jay, 199-2011). This fear forced Southwest Airlines to make the necessary changes needed to overcome the present storm. Southwest plan of attached stemmed from employee morale.Whereas other airlines were folding under pressure resulting in employee layoffs, Southwest secured the future of their employees through union negotiations and committing to a no lay-off policy. The airline strong commitment to their employees raised company morale for the stakeholders. This secured the readiness of employees in the area of change. This also was a direct reflection in Southwest’s ability in the area of transitional and transactional leadership. Strengths In the area of strengths Southwest Airlines has exceled at servant leadership by placing the needs of every employee in front of their own.The Southwest leadership team demonstrated their capability to properly manage and apply their strategic planning knowledge in a never foreseen occurrence. Through consideration Southwest has gained mutual respect and the necessary by-in from stakeholders to apply the new vision and direction of the organization. Leader-member relations are at its peak within the organization and can be contributed to the loyalty and the support shown through situation control. Leaders at this point may use the power of persuasion to gain the by-in from employees for the new organizational direction. WeaknessOver staffing and cost is a major factor for Southwest’s current situ ation for the sake of commitment inability to control external factors, and a higher level of knowledge needed for advancing. Opportunities Southwest has an opportunity to reevaluate task structure, implement new procedures to apply to the latest learned knowledge, explore new methods, develop and properly train employees, build better work relations, implementation of employee involved decision making programs, learn about the newest technology for growth purposes, regain customer confidence, and develop leadership behaviors while expecting greater outcomes.Threats Southwest may experience a loss of morale over a period of time, advancing new and current competitors because of a lack of funding for the latest and greatest technology, turn-over in employee and leadership, permanent loss of employee confidence. Continental Airlines â€Å"Continental Airlines was founded in 1967. Continental pride themselves for acquiring simple goals: having high quality product every day f service, getting customers where they want to go on time with their baggage while leaving customers with a service of excellence recognized globally for being consistent†(International Directory of Company Histories, 2003). Continental Airline based on 2001 post 9/11 terrorist attacks was the fifth largest airline. The airline carries passengers, mail, and cargo throughout the world. Continental is connected to 200 airports worldwide. This amazing portfolio did not come without a cost. In the 1980s Continental found themselves being labeled as the poster child for having bad employee relationships and management turnover because of a hostile corporate raider. This bad combination cost the company one decade of declining sales and financial loss. In 1995 Continental experienced a turn around. A plan was put into place to renegotiate Continental’s debt, persuaded Boeing to defer delivery of any planes on order, and arranges concessions from aircraft lessors.High ranking official was also fired and replaced with new high rating staff†(International Directory of Company Histories, 2003). As years passed Continental experienced a long overdue financial break then 9/11 happened and caused a downside in their profits. â€Å"Immediately, after 9/11 terrorist attacks Continental laid-off 20% of their workforce, which totals 12,000 employees. Most of those employees returned to work within a year but morale was definitely affected by the airline’s current situation.Continental’s high ranking official Bethune did not take this situation lying down; he lobbied for the government to provide an industry-wide bailout. A fourth quarter loss of $149 million left the airline $95 million in the red for the year. The airline made a conscience decision to park 61 of its jets and 23 turboprops as business returned to normal for the airlines. In an effort to regain the trust and confidence of the stakeholders, shareholders, and financial capital Continent al formed an alliance with Delta, and Northwest.A ten-year code-shared agreement allowed customers to share frequently flier miles between the three airlines. This alliance shared 36% of shared domestic traffic†(International Directory of Company Histories, 2003). Strengths Continental has demonstrated their ability as leaders to make a tuff decision in times of crisis, regain customer trust after 911, strategize for better solutions, regained employee trust through the rehiring process, and setting an example for employees to follow.Ultimately, Continental leadership also displayed a servant leadership style that was able to transform the organization from on level to the next. Weakness Continental took what may be perceived as taking the easy way out by laying off employees instead of applying a workable strategic plan that could have benefited both parties. Through employee lay-offs the morale within the organization is at its all-time low and stress level are at a high wh ich, could lead to harmful situations. This has caused leader-member relations to diminish.The leaders demonstrated their inability to trust the workers to help within the organization’s crisis. Opportunities Continental has an opportunity to redevelop a new strategic plan, build stakeholders relationships, recommit to leader-member relations, reestablish their position of power, build the leaders within the organization, use positive reinforcements to regain trust, educate employees in the area of stress, opportunity to correct troubled areas create alternative strategies for possible resistance to change, and redefine and create a new vision for the organization.Other opportunities that Continental may have is greater work commitments once the storm has passed, hiring highly qualified employees, decrease or expand the span of control for building a stronger organization, and target elements of change. Threats The recent decision to lay off employees has sparked a fear withi n the organization that could possible led to heavy turnover, financial ruin due to the fear of flying, market changes and technological advancement for competitors, mergers and acquisition to regain loss, recession, and conflicts.In comparison Southwest, Continental, and Intersect has demonstrated situation control through their immediate work environment on every level. Although, each has also demonstrated a different leadership style the main focus to save the organization and secure the future was the first priority of the leaders. Each organization has also revealed their position of power through the necessary decisions made by the leaders and their ability to brainstorm to come up with the best possible solution for the organization’s future.Each organization was also able to pin point their weakness for future corrections to be made. Although the leadership style may differ each leader has demonstrated leadership skills that have earned the trust of their employee in the area of growth. Each organization also has a good repetition which preceded their current situation. In contrast Southwest has gained the by-in from employees through a more trusting type of leadership style whereas, Continental and Intersect has used their position of power to cause employee layoffs or to spark fear into current employees.Southwest lessen the chance of harmful threats in the area of employee stress whereas, Continental and Intersect decision has raised the level of stress and possibility threats. In conclusion, each organization has its pro and cons that maybe intertwined to created better future business decisions. The current use of a SWOT analysis has the potential to gather information while empowering each organization for future success. | | Strengths| Weaknesses| Opportunities| Threads| Intersect| Knowledgeable workers, Confident leadersAbility to share the vision of the organization with others. Proper staffing for the advancement of the new direction. Void of a backup plan for this type of disasterResistance to changeAbility to control stress levels within the organization. High turn-over ratesCustomer dissatisfactionRestructuring neededDefining of goals and new alignment. | Regain customer confidenceOpportunity to brainstorm for the best possible solution for their current situationEstablish long-term goalsBuild charismatic leadership style vs. using force or power for persuasion.Expansion of knowledge base for growth purposesOpportunity for goal setting| Loss of confidence and decrease of ProfitabilityNew Entrants Market changes| Southwest Airlines| Southwest exceled in the area of being servant leaders when the organization put the needs of their employees first by refusing to layoff employee. The union negotiations demonstrated the organization’s ability to dominate internal forces for change through job satisfaction by working with the union and not taking advantage of a stressful situation.Southwest through Charismat ic leadership transformed their work environment through goals, values,needs, beliefs, and aspirations. Leader-member relations are at its peak within the organization and can be contributed to the loyalty and the support shown through situation control. | Void of a backup plan for this type of disasterOver staffing and cost is a major factor for Southwest’s current situation for the sake of commitment inability to control external factors, and a higher level of knowledge needed for advancing. Regain customer confidenceOpportunity to brainstorm for the best possible solution for their current situationEstablish long-term goalsExpansion of knowledge base for growth purposes| Market changesLoss of confidence and decrease of ProfitabilityNew Entrants Over staffing and cost is a major factor for Southwest’s current situation for the sake of commitment inability to control external factors, and a higher level of knowledge needed for advancing. Continental Airlines| Continen tal has demonstrated their ability as leaders to make a tuff decision in a times of crisis, regain customer trust after 911, strategize for better solutions, regained employee trust through the rehiring process, and setting an example for employees to follow. | Inability to save a loss of job and secure the future of those workers.Establish employee trust and confidenceVoid of a back-up plan for this type of disaster| Regain customer confidenceOpportunity to brainstorm for the best possible solution for their current situationEstablish long-term goalsExpansion of knowledge base for growth purposesRedevelop a new strategic planbuild stakeholders relationships, recommit to leader-member relations, reestablish their osition of power, build the leaders within the organization, use positive reinforcements to regain trust, educate employees in the area of stress, opportunity to correct troubled areas create alternative strategies for possible resistance to change, and redefine and create a new vision for the organization. hiring highly qualified employees, decrease or expand the span of control for building a stronger organization, and target elements of change. Market changesLoss of confidence and decrease of ProfitabilityNew Entrants heavy turnover, financial ruin due to the fear of flying, market changes and technological advancement for competitors, mergers and acquisition to regain loss, recession, and conflicts. | References McNamara, C. (2011). Free Management Library. Retrieved from http://managementhelp. org/strategicplanning/basics. tm#anchor1434082 International Directory of Company Histories. (2005). FundingUniverse. Retrieved from http://www. fundinguniverse. com/company-histories/AirTran-Holdings-Inc-Company-History. html International Directory of Company Histories. (2003). FundingUniverse. Retrieved from http://www. fundinguniverse. com/company-histories/Continental-Airlines-Inc-Company-History. html
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