Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Research Methods Essay
Methodology One of the primary ways in which marketing is defined is in terms of its difference from the so-called ‘pure sciences’ such as physics, chemistry, biology etc. Its use of theory and methodology is, therefore, closely related to this distinction. Academics of marketing often emphasize what too many of us are utterly obvious, that there is no certainty in the study of marketing sciences. This is because marketing not only deals with fiscal variables but also it deals with humanity, which is inherently transient. Taking this element of transience into consideration marketing scientists has to use not just quantitative but also qualitative methods of study. For this study of Establishing Islamic Fund to issue Islamic Bonds for Infrastructure Projects both the methods would be used. A Qualitative method of study differs from the usual quantitative methods (used in the study of pure sciences) in the sense that it tends to be far more subjective. This is in sharp contrast to the methods used in pure sciences which are exclusively objective. The research methods for marketing are a combination of both quantitative and qualitative methods. Being open to qualitative methods of study also allows social scientists to incorporate non-quantitative data (i. e. non-numerical data, such as words, images, gestures, impressions etc. ) in their study. Since human beings tend to operate in terms of such data and not in terms of the finance used in ordinary sciences this broader outlook is far more applicable in the study of social sciences. In keeping with the methodology employed in marketing researches the theories too are formulated and used keeping in mind that they aren’t necessarily applicable to all conditions. Be it psychology, history, political science or economics human events are most likely to influence the rules which define the basic theories of a marketing subject. Success in the field of marketing researches can therefore be achieved if and only if it is understood that the subject has no space or opportunity for water-tight methodologies or theories. It can always be stated that Qualitative research is a process that includes interpretative paradigm under the measures of theoretical assumptions and the entire approach is based on sustainability that is depended on people’s experience in terms of communication. It can also be mentioned that the total approach is based on the fact that reality is created on the social formulations. It can also be mentioned that the basic target of qualitative research is instrumented towards social context under normal circumstances where it would be possible to interpret, decode and describe the significances of a phenomenon. The entire process is operational under the parameter of interpretative paradigm that can minimize illusion and share subjectivity under contextualization, authenticity and complexity of the investigation. The basic advantages of qualitative measures are multifold. Firstly, it presents a completely realistic approach that the statistical analysis and numerical data used in research based on quantitative research cannot provide. Another advantage of qualitative measures is that it is more flexible in nature in terms of collected information interpretation, subsequent analysis and data collection. It also presents a holistic point of view of the investigation. Furthermore this approach of research allows the subjects to be comfortable thus be more accurate as research is carried on in accordance to the subject’s own terms. The best statistical method would be to interview long well formulated day to day working procedure at a specific and well selected location and in this case it would be the three selected events mentioned. Throughout the procedure, it should be noticed whether there are specific variables within the testable population or not. These variables would be extremely important while evaluating the basic data in the final stages where the adjustments would be made to the formulated data in accordance to the observations. However, it is important to completely take into account the aspects of fundamental variables of an individual such as ethnicity, religious belief or positive support from the sales structure of the management and individual. It is necessary to design a new experiment that test the statistical method. For the purpose it is necessary to collect a complete data of the site that would include different religion, ethnicity or gender. An open meeting with potential customers of the Islamic fund and bond would be very relevant in this context but only the upper income limits should be taken into account in the initial stages. This is because only upper sections are the groups that are most likely to be present at the upper grade cosmetics. The mixed gender of male and female potential customers could well be excluded as that would complicate matters in the context of gender variable juxtaposed with other pre mentioned variables but considering other dependable factors sustaining it would yield to be fruitful in the long run. Data would be collected in relation to the gender, colour, and religion of the potential customers in respect to the composition of the management under the same parameters. Furthermore, the favourable conditions in the context of experienced customer response would also be accounted. All these variables are considered as very relevant and important features of the statistical method and it is to be seen if these aspects are fundamentally acceptable in practical world and it could well be mentioned that service, especially Islamic fund and bond, are a very relevant manifestation of the social dimensions. As a result if the test is carried out in a proper manner with proper calculations of the population involved then there is no reason that the results would be both logical and true at the end consideration. In accordance to the basic test selected it could be stated that it could be possible that the outcome would be relatively logical in the sense that it would ultimately follow the trends of social facilitation theory in marketing and thus it would be agreeable with the statistical method and thus a well formulated marketing strategy can be constructed for the benefit of the strategies of the Islamic fund and bond. However, it should be stated that there would be few independent variables in the context of the test that could not be explained by the statistical method statements. Here the ethical consideration of the potential customers or the ethnic background of the potential customers may not be a very relevant factor. Thus there could be some flaws to the collection of the population but if these aspects are kept in mind then the shortcomings would easily be negotiated during the ultimate computations. As a result the test would appear to be a full proofed measure that would be able to define and prove the fundamental aspects and statistical method applied. However it could be stated that the most basic distinction is between a quantitative or qualitative evaluation. In a quantitative evaluation, the purpose is to come up with some objective metric of human performance that can be used to compare interaction phenomena. This can be contrasted with a qualitative evaluation, in which the purpose is to derive deeper understanding of the human interaction experience. A typical example of a quantitative evaluation is the empirical user study, a controlled experiment in which some hypothesis about interaction is tested through direct measurement. A typical example of a qualitative evaluation is an open-ended interview with relevant users. As a result this method would be used widely. As descriptions of statistical methods that will be used it could be stated that in order to isolate the results for this particular study, only a survey questionnaire done would have been utilized. These questionnaires would be delivered to potential customers and retailers along with the administrators of the events. The results were divided into these same categories to ensure validity and reliability. General information in regard to identifiers was utilized in order to ensure that there would be no bias. This information provided the researcher with a more clarified view of perceptions in regard to the possibility and impact of economic, social and market penetration in the Islamic fund and bond strategy analysis of their successes and failures of their strategy. The objective in this study was to see the possible effect of the Islamic fund and bond strategy analysis of their successes and failures of their strategy. The study would in fact be balanced in its validity and reliability by results in questionnaires delivered. The objective would be to discover whether a prior knowledge of management of market segmentation would be beneficial or detrimental toward the company and their understanding of the use of strategies as marketing tools. Data would be gained from a specific area for ease of accessibility and for targeted accuracy lending reliability and validity to the research process. The variables involved would also include age groups, amount of education, and understanding of security needs and responsibility. Other variables may be inclusive of the economic standings of the potential customers of the Islamic fund and bond along with the same standings for the customers at the edge of the market segment interviewed. A third series of variables includes the types of studies that are managed and the cultural background of the customers at each of these areas. The research paradigm considered by the researcher in regard to this work included the consideration of groups and how strategically developed planning would target them. These considerations included in management and how the different respondents would in fact classify usage of event goers. The data for this work was managed through a single questionnaire handed out to potential customers and current customers of the Islamic fund and bond. The researcher utilized gender identifiers and numbers or letters to separate each questionnaire for validity and reliability of results and to ensure bias reductions. The questionnaire is located in the Appendix section for understanding of the questions. Each question had either a yes or a no answer or followed positive or negative reactions to certain questions. The process to deliver and collect these questionnaires would be spanned around approximately two weeks. The data sampling would be randomly managed utilizing stratified means with thirty-seven questionnaires completed by both male and female potential customers. The choice to use potential and existing customers alone in this research was made for three reasons. First, it was far simpler to have access to customers in regard to the researcher’s availability. Second, the focus itself is on customers’ attitudes and understanding of the gadget. Third, the quantification of such information allows the researcher to gain a broader perspective on how customers observe and realize the validity and reliability of information received from a variety of sources and how they apply it to daily life in terms of events. It should be noted that reliability for the researcher was achieved in the assurance that only a specified group of men and women were utilized in regard to the research. That group was focused mostly on customers and retails along with administrative personnel. This gave the research a more focused view of the research goal. The validity was managed as a result of this focus and emphasized in the considerations involved in the data collection, variables, and sampling methods. Privacy and confidentiality methods included assigning numeric and alphabetic coding to each responding questionnaire. This ensured anonymity in regard to the researcher and the subjects of the research process. Thus the most important objective of the interviews regarding this study concerning the market segment of the Islamic fund and bond would be building an impact regarding the profitability of this market for the stakeholder. As a result the study would feature qualitative interviews of personnel and personalities that are well known to the arena of marketing and a huge amount of potential customers who would provide complete views of their needs through as series of open and close ended questions. The interviews and questioners would certainly include the Administrators, Managers, marketing experts and Scholar, senior managers and obviously the potential customers of the Islamic fund and bond. The involvement of the administrators is a logical conclusion as this is the main stronghold that would be able to render the impetus of the market with his valued opinions. It should be noted that the interviews of the organization managers would be very helpful as they are the personnel who directly understand the ground reality of the nature and feasibility of the game plans established in the market segments of the Islamic fund and bond Strategies. Marketing and cosmetic industry management scholars and experts are also important for the basic strategy development these are the people who would be able to provide the theoretical framework of entire project. Interviews of the senior administrators, Journalists and retailer are very important because not only these people are well respected and their words highly valued, these are the people who are able to influence the structure of the Islamic fund and bond Strategies with their experience and insights. Lastly, interview would also be taken of experienced and potential consumers because they are the key objective of the entire scenario and these are the people who would actually present the objective of the market and would be instrumental directly to make the market worth venturing. To sum it up it should be mentioned that the methodology will involve client interviews, client’s strategic customer interview, event records, secondary research through the Internet and university database, it will also use strategic analysis tools for development of the marketing plan. In this context it should also be mentioned that the purpose of the project is formulated in a mutually beneficial way such that from an academic perspective there would be a huge gain in the context of valuable experience, and simultaneously add value by providing insights as well as a fresh & objective outlook on any matter relevant to the organization. Method of Analysis Information from the interviews will be classified into meaningful categories, which can be derived from the objectives and the literature. In using this categorisation approach, the data can be ordered and summarised according to the topic areas discussed and the depth of information attained. This could be done by establishing a suitable matrix and entering the data into the appropriate cells. However, it is essential to ensure that the categories devised are a coherent set so that the analytical framework is well structured and allows for effective analysis. This approach will allow the researcher to identify the most prevalent opinions and viewpoints as well as identifying polarised opinions. The analysis will help to draw out key themes and relationships, which will hopefully establish meaning in the data set. The key themes from the two types of interviewees can often be compared and contrasted in an attempt to create a clearer understanding of meaning. Lamb suggests that when existing theory has been used to formulate objectives, the theoretical propositions that enabled the researcher do this can also be used as a framework to help organise the data analysis. A clear theoretical framework was not used to establish the research question, although the objectives do acknowledge the relevant theory, so it is possible to use some theoretical framework to assist in the data analysis. The secondary data analysis will be used to support and augment the primary data. Analysis and Findings Analysis of information in regard to research managed by the researcher must include complete and full understanding of the questionnaire. This understanding focuses in the use of the questionnaire created specifically for this process. It is the considerations realized within the questionnaires, no matter their simplicity, that will focus considerations in later chapters of this work. Within this section of Analysis and Findings there will be measurement of all responses in regard to the questionnaire. Analysis strategy included a full series of statistical diagrams of all information collected including positive and negative responses, gender variations and marital status. This strategy provided the researcher with a wider spread for the conclusions that became evident in regard to the researcher’s focus. This information was broken down into specific charts for the benefit of visual context. The visual context provided insight in regard to perceptions of credit use and considerations by collegiate consumers in regard to financial planning and execution. These perceptions and considerations provide the researcher with evidence to support the hypothesis made in that there would in fact be adverse affects in the abuse of credit and that the use of credit, if not held in check, could in fact have auxiliary outside influence on other portions of daily life for collegiate students and perhaps for those outside the realm of collegiate studies. The researcher held awareness of the potential for study in regard to Islamic fund and bonds and their use or abuse through many methods. Those methods include observation, interaction and extensive research. The awareness of the media discussions of credit usage amongst collegiate level men and women and the similar studies within this idea would in fact have influenced the choice made. The choice of analyzing how students amongst this particular collegiate population would in fact consider their credit use and knowledge allows for a singular perspective isolated from the more broadly painted view including financial advisors, professors, parents and more. The focus itself was on the students and how they absorbed this information from the various resources available before applying it to their personal financial decisions. Overall, the respondents to the questionnaires provided insight in regard to how many individuals are learning more and more about financial management. This also provides insight in regard to some steps financial entities including banks and Islamic fund and bond issuers might consider in regard to further educating the general public, starting at the younger ages including collegiate level students and providing access to learning materials in this regard. The concern for this researcher would in fact be the lack of true knowledge in regard to Islamic fund and bond debt and its downfalls. The fact that there is much higher usage of Islamic fund and bonds and other forms of credits now than in years past causes more concern in regard to how to manage that growth of Islamic fund and bond debt in future endeavours. Limitations However, it should be mentioned there are certain limitations of the study. A number of people (usually senior administrators) may also insist that the consumers have no contribution to the issue. Many of them may think that consumers come into the working formulation only during the advertising scenario and never in the development plan of the marketing procedure. As a result they do not use the requisite strategic management techniques or adaptive methods that need to be exercised while developing a study such as this. However, it creates a void in the test as this limitation can be overcome by taking the subject into better mode of confidence. However, at the same time, it should also be noted that there are certain limitations regarding the methodology of the interview aspect. It could be mentioned that past history has shown that it is not always people revealing a context in a survey or interview holds much truth in the long run in general sense. This is one variable that is able to corrupt any well formulated strategically set formulations. But this again is a possibility and not the general rule. At any case it should be noted that all steps would be taken with utmost care so that such variables are not allowed to upset the basic test of market segmentation beyond a certain permissible limit. If all these parameters are well implemented there could be no reason why a long term strategy for operation in a full length marketing penetration and procedure cannot be established. Conclusion The understanding of this information gathered is proven in the statistics within the questionnaires that were completed and submitted. The research found that all respondents understood the material being requested and filled the questionnaires accordingly in timely fashion. This information was then examined thoroughly for consistency and validity. The researcher now understands that there is a great deal of diversity in the understanding of financial matters based on how those financial matters are taught to individuals whether through personal research, a parent, a bank representative, friends or other family members. The number of participants who pursued avenues toward understanding was surprising to the researcher in that there were far more to ask advice and to heed initial learning methods in regard to financial stability and concerns. The majority of respondents claim to have been taught financial management by a parent. Twenty-six respondents gave this as their response. Twelve also claimed that a professor had been beneficial in their learning. Bank representatives comprised eleven responses to the inquiry and six employers. The numerous choices for other methods of learning financial management included one grandparent, five respondents claimed their friends, two said internet resources, and one said society while two would actually work in the field. The diverse, yet incredibly stratified methods for learning and understanding financial management provide the researcher with interesting insights on how well these financial management methods are learned. Of the thirty-seven respondents to the questionnaire, the majority, including twenty-six respondents stated that they did inquire as to advice prior to application toward credit. This is intriguing to the researcher as it proves that students are understanding more and more in regard to their financial stature. Regarding whether positive or negative effects are seen or felt in regard to credit, most respondents claimed positive effects were seen. That number included twenty-one respondents with sixteen claiming there were more negatives than positives. When asked whether the students felt targeted by credit advertisers, the overwhelming response was yes with twenty-five respondents stating this. The remaining twelve said they didn’t feel targeted. The respondents overwhelmingly responded positively toward the need of courses on financial management. When asked if credit issuers were doing enough to educate consumers, the response was negative for the majority of respondents. When asked whether college campuses should provide financial planning assistance and credit understanding for students, the overwhelming majority of thirty-six to one said yes. The same response came in regard to having financial managers from banks and other financial institutions working with the college campuses for educational purposes in regard to use and abuse of Islamic fund and bonds and other forms of credit. Factors that manage approval of studies such as this one in regard to Islamic fund and bond use and abuse on college or university campuses would include the verifiable reports of credit usage by agencies including credit issuers, banks and debt management corporations. The rise in bankruptcies and such provide a very thorough glance into the behaviour of consumers and how that behaviour in the use of credit is affected by their ready knowledge of credit facts and figures. The researcher finds that the hypotheses made in the progression of the research would indeed have been validated through responses from the selected population. 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Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Mcculloch V. Maryland Brief
McCulloch v. Maryland Brief Fact Summary. The state of Maryland enacted a tax that would force the United States Bank in Maryland to pay taxes to the state. McCulloch, a cashier for the Baltimore, Maryland Bank, was sued for not complying with the Maryland state tax. Synopsis of Rule of Law. Congress may enact laws that are necessary and proper to carry out their enumerated powers. The United States Constitution (Constitution) is the supreme law of the land and state laws cannot interfere with federal laws enacted within the scope of the Constitution. Facts.Congress chartered the Second Bank of the United States. Branches were established in many states, including one in Baltimore, Maryland. In response, the Maryland legislature adopted an Act imposing a tax on all banks in the state not chartered by the state legislature. James McCulloch, a cashier for the Baltimore branch of the United States Bank, was sued for violating this Act. McCulloch admitted he was not complying with the Ma ryland law. McCulloch lost in the Baltimore County Court and that court’s decision was affirmed by the Maryland Court of Appeals.The case was then taken by writ of error to the United States Supreme Court (Supreme Court). Issue. Does Congress have the authority to establish a Bank of the United States under the Constitution? Held. Yes. Judgment reversed. Counsel for the state of Maryland claimed that because the Constitution was enacted by the independent states, it should be exercised in subordination to the states. However, the states ratified the Constitution by a two-thirds vote of their citizens, not by a decision of the state legislature.Therefore, although limited in its powers, the Constitution is supreme over the laws of the states. There is no enumerated power within the Constitution allowing for the creation of a bank. But, Congress is granted the power of making â€Å"all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers. à ¢â‚¬ The Supreme Court determines through Constitutional construction that â€Å"necessary†is not a limitation, but rather applies to any means with a legitimate end within the scope of the Constitution.Because the Constitution is supreme over state laws, the states cannot apply taxes, which would in effect destroy federal legislative law. Therefore, Maryland’s state tax on the United States Bank is unconstitutional. Discussion. This Supreme Court decision establishes the Constitution as the supreme law of the land, taking precedent over any state law incongruent with it. McCulloch v. Maryland Term: †¢1792-1850 o1819 Location: Maryland State House Facts of the CaseIn 1816, Congress chartered The Second Bank of the United States. In 1818, the state of Maryland passed legislation to impose taxes on the bank. James W. McCulloch, the cashier of the Baltimore branch of the bank, refused to pay the tax. Question The case presented two questions: Did Congress have the authority to establish the bank? Did the Maryland law unconstitutionally interfere with congressional powers? Conclusion Decision: 7 votes for McCulloch, 0 vote(s) against Legal provision: US Const.Art 1, Section 8 Clauses 1 and 18 In a unanimous decision, the Court held that Congress had the power to incorporate the bank and that Maryland could not tax instruments of the national government employed in the execution of constitutional powers. Writing for the Court, Chief Justice Marshall noted that Congress possessed unenumerated powers not explicitly outlined in the Constitution. Marshall also held that while the states retained the power of taxation, â€Å"the constitution and the laws made in pursuance thereof are supreme. . . they control the constitution and laws of the respective states, and cannot be controlled by them. â€Å"
Monday, July 29, 2019
Risk Management Strategy and Plan Document Shell
Project Selection: The first step will be to select a project that you to develop a risk management strategy and plan for. This project will be used as the basis for each of the assignments throughout the course and should conform to the following guidelines: 1. Nontrivial: The selected project candidate should reflect a real-life project that has at least the major milestones identified. 2. Domain Knowledge: You will be applying knowledge of this project to address assignments related to identifying and analyzing risks.Select a project that fits these requirements, and submit your proposal to your instructor before proceeding further with the assignments in the course. Approval should be sought within the first few days of the course. Your instructor will tell you how to submit this proposal and what notification will be given for project approval. Assignment: Your first task in this process will be to select a project to use as the basis of your Key Assignment.You will also create the shell document for the final project Key Assignment document deliverable that you will be working on throughout the course. As you proceed through each project phase, you will add content to each section of the final document to gradually complete the final project delivery, which is the Risk Management Strategy and Plan. The following project deliverables: 1. Submit project proposal to instructor for approval 2. Risk Management Strategy and Plan Document Shell * Use Microsoft Word * Title Page 1.Course number and name 2. Project name 3. Student name 4. Date * Table of Contents 1. Use auto-generated TOC 2. Separate page 3. Maximum of three levels deep 4. Be sure to update the fields of the TOC so it is up-to-date before submitting your project. 1. Section Headings (create each heading on a new page with TBD as content except for sections listed under â€Å"New Content†below) 1. Project Outline 2. Risk Management Justification 3. Project Risks Identification 4. Project Ri sks Assessment 5. Project Risks Responses Strategy . Project Risks Management Plan 7. Project Risks Monitoring & Control Plan 8. Project Risks WBS & Budget Updates 9. Project Risks Communications Plan 1. New Content to be Inserted in Above Shell * Project Outline 1. Brief description of the project. 2. The milestones and/or WBS for the project. 3. Material can be taken from approved proposal submitted to the instructor, and this will serve as the draft for the proposal. 4. Be sure this project is approved by the instructor. 1. Risk Management Justification 1.Discuss why risk management is so important to the success of the selected project in a letter to the project sponsor. 2. Describe the steps that will be used to develop the Risk Management Plan. 3. Represent this process in a flow diagram as well 1. Project Risks Identification * Start brainstorming, at a high level, on some categories where risk could occur in this project (Note: you will continue this brainstorming activity i n the next week with specifics, likelihood, and impact). Name the document yourname_MPM344_IP1. doc, and submit the document for grading.
Equity and Trust Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Equity and Trust - Essay Example The settlor also uses the word â€Å"confidence†in that he was confident that Pamela will carry out his express wishes with advice from his solicitor. However, taken together the words expressing the trust may be interpreted as precatory as it is not altogether clear what the settlor’s intention are in terms of securing the kid’s future.5 However, since the settlor used the word trust in referring to the specific terms of the gift, there is no doubt that he intended to create a trust for the benefit of the children and intended that his wife determine how best to secure his children’s future as their trustee. Thus the certainty of intention has been satisfied in respect of the gift to Pamela. The requirement of certainty of subject and object will give effect to the settlor’s intention if sufficiently identifiable.6 Thus the certainty of subject matter is satisfied if the property to be transferred to the trust is identifiable and administratively possible.7 The settlor transferred 500,000 pounds to his wife Pamela with the specific instructions that the funds were to be held by her upon trust for their children. Thus there is no uncertainty relative to the subject matter of the trust and as such it is administratively possible. Therefore certainty of subject matter is sufficiently made out to constitute a valid declaration of trust. Certainty of objects is satisfied if the words used to create the trust identifies beneficiaries or a class of beneficiaries with sufficient clarity that the trustees or the courts can identify the beneficiaries.8 The gift to Pamela refers to their children and thus there can be no doubt that all children shared by Pamela and her husband are the beneficiaries of the trust and can be easily identified. It therefore follows that each of the three certainties are satisfied in the gift to Pamela and a valid, enforceable trust was created. b. The Gift for the Settlor’s Best Friends and their Re latives The gift of 100,000 pounds for the settlor’s best friends and their relatives must meet the certainty of objects requirement if it is to be a valid, enforceable trust. Essentially, when the settlor refers to a class of beneficiaries and does not specifically identify the members of the class, the courts require that there must be a conceptual certainty as to who makes up the members of the class of beneficiaries.9 The class of beneficiaries must be of sufficient certainty so that the trust itself is administratively possible. The trustees must be in a position to identify those who make up the members of the group forming the beneficiaries of the trust so that at some later time, otherwise, trustees may find themselves confronting a number of claims for breach of trust. For instance a trust for the residents of a specific community would be administratively impossible since the trustees would have an onerous task of having to identify those who are residents and wheth er or not present or future residents fall
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Should we drill for offshore oil Research Paper
Should we drill for offshore oil - Research Paper Example After its formation, it travels from the source rock onto the surface where it is trapped in impermeable layers of rocks and forms a reservoir. Reservoirs range in depth ranging from a hundred feet deep to thousands of feet below the surface. Others are found offshore covered with a lot of water and sediment. This product is called crude oil and is made up of carbon and hydrogen atoms that form highly combustible fuels. It also contains nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur and these three elements lower its quality, making it hard to work with. These hydrocarbons contain paraffin energy that produces gasoline, paraffin wax, and diesel fuel. In addition, an oil reservoir is a pool of these hydrocarbons that are below the surface in porous rock structures where they have accumulated. They are found in a few countries in the world and most of those in the Middle East with Saudi Arabia having the most oil deposits. It is considered a non-renewable resource as it cannot be replaced naturally, since its formation takes millions of years. Drilling is the most used method of oil extraction. Identification of the precise location of the oil begins the process. Geologists who use instruments like gravimeters and seismic surveys do this. Once the location is identified, drilling begins. When a steady flow is The drilling gun is made with explosive charges that enable oil to run through the holes in its casing. Once it has perforated properly, a tube is put into the well that allows the oil to run upwards. The tube is then sealed with a packer that is positioned along the outer part. The final step is placing a structure known as a Christmas tree that allows the flow of the oil to be controlled. Most of the extracted contains sediments that can be used for energy. If these sediments are not disposed, they can cause pollution. After the harvesting, the oil is pumped into oil tankers where it is transported to oil refineries to be refined into products useful
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Target marget Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Target marget - Essay Example p.). While innovators are proven â€Å"risk takers†who are the â€Å"first 2.5%†that will purchase a product, and early adopters are the ones who will purchase a product after some positive response from the overall market (about 13.5% of consumers), the early majority are the group of consumers who actually tends to avoid risk and purchase a product after majority of the market have already made a positive response about the product (34% of consumers) (â€Å"Product Diffusion Curve,†n. p.). Meanwhile, consumers in the late majority group are characterized by skeptic consumers who are only willing to purchase a product after the product is already commonly used (another 34%), and laggards are the ones that will last purchase a product (16% of consumers) (, n. p.). With this knowledge, I will choose to target the early majority; given that I am offering a new product, I would package the product to immediately generate positive response and interest . I am optimistic that getting the support of the early majority would lead the product to be accepted by majority of consumers. Works Cited â€Å"Product Diffusion Curve.† Quickmba, n. d. Web. 14 February 2011.
Friday, July 26, 2019
Phizer Marketing and Products Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Phizer Marketing and Products - Essay Example The ultimate aim of every marketing activities of Pfizer is to maximize sales through increased prescription writing. Pfizer know that majority of the patients all over the world are purchasing medicines based on the prescriptions from their doctors. So, Pfizer’s advertising strategies give number one priority to doctors rather than patients. They know very well that once the doctor prescribes their medicine, most of the patients may purchase it without a second thought. Direct-to-consumer (DTC) advertising of drugs has been legal in the USA since 1985, but only really took off in 1997 when the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) eased up on a rule obliging companies to offer a detailed list of side-effects in their infomercials (Direct-to-consumer advertising under fire, 2009) Targeted ads are possible nowadays because of the rapidly increasing popularity of internet and social media. Sending of customized emails is one of the major marketing strategy implemented by many of th e prominent organizations like Pfizer. Pfizer uses social media like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace etc to reach out individual customers. In short, Direct To Consumer advertising (DTC) is one of the prominent advertising channels in Pfizer’s’ marketing activities. ... â€Å"The New York Times reports that Pfizer is planning to lock up the market for heart treatments by bundling its new drug (toretrapib, which is still in experimental stage of development) to the company's bestselling cholesterol lowering drug, Lipitor†(Pfizer Marketing Scheme Stirs Concern_NYT, 2005). The aim of Pfizer is to have two birds for one shot. In other words, they are trying to exploit the publicity and brand value generated by its new product for selling some of their existing products. Even though the above marketing strategy has raised many criticisms, Pfizer do not bother about such criticisms and they are going ahead with the marketing strategy of forcing the heart patients to purchase more Pfizer products. â€Å"Marketing activities with health care professionals must convey full and substantiated information about the side effects and the safety profile of medicines†(Practicing ethical sales and marketing, 2011). In order to strengthen the bondage between the consumers and the company, Pfizer reveals the side effects associated with each of the drug they sell. The above strategy helped Pfizer to increase the confidence of the people over Pfizer products. It should be noted that most of the other pharmaceutical companies do not have the habit of revealing the side effects of their products in their marketing campaigns because of their concerns about the possible negative impacts. Pfizer always believe in telling the truth to the consumers which helped them to increase the relationships with its customers. Pfizer succeeded in partitioning the entire market based on the differences in the purchasing behaviors of the consumers. â€Å"Segmentation analysis is actually based on the theoretical belief that every
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Personal and professional healthcare commuinication paper Essay
Personal and professional healthcare commuinication paper - Essay Example on is relevant in health professional-patient relations, individuals’ search for, exposure to and use of health information, individuals’ adherence to clinical treatments and recommendations, the construction of public health campaigns and messages, risk communication, the education of people about how to gain access to the health care systems and the development of telehealth applications. Communication between health care professionals and patients is a requirement both for exchange of information and for content accompanying the information such as body language and facial expressions. Health care communication is the exchange or imparting of information between a health care professional and a patient so as to make the receiver understand and provide feedback and eventually act on that information (Ferrell & Coyle, 2006, pp. 542-568). Health care professionals play an important role in communicating with patients because they are always in close contact. A relationship between the health care professionals and the patient will be improved by communication and developing effective communication skills is an important factor and a priority for every health care professional. Patients are the main educational concern in basic health care education. However, this education equips health care professionals on how to contribute uniquely to promoting health in the working population. The health care professionals are usually the first point of contact with patients because of the usual direct access. When a health care professional shows that they are approachable and ready to help patients who need advice, the patients consciously make time to talk to the health care professionals. Listening is a vital tool for health care professionals, as they are usually is a common ground between management and staff when discussing the social well-being, health and quality of patients. Health care professionals may be asked questions by patients on topics that go beyond
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Wall street Journal write-ups Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Wall street Journal write-ups - Essay Example Mention also of subprime lending as a possible instigator. Outlining further the history of economic crisis and how such circumstances play into crisis like these. How these crisis can have multiple causes and many intricacies. In the process of moving forward to find a solution to this financial crisis, many different options are available for consideration. The need to look at a situation like an economic crisis with logic and rational thinking, rather than emotions. Social Psychologist suggestion that when in doubt, people look to believe whatever they can to get them through. The article makes reference to the issue of regulatory practices which goes with the discussion in Chapter 12 having to do with regulation and its impact. Detailed in the section â€Å"Effect of Regulation on the Actions of Employers†Pages 573-575. The discussion which Claomiris sets forth to have is quite relevant for the times. The issue of how the many different circumstances that can occur could lead to such an economic downturn for many people. It is of the utmost importance to look at the larger picture that comes with the issue of economics and how best to aid an ailing economy. To formulate such solutions without the presence of emotional bias, but rather an educated approach with a rational mind. As is the case with many things, the history of what has happened in the economy before, both at home and abroad, is something that can be quite useful to analyze and consider as Claomiris suggests in his writing. Countless economic crisis have in fact occurred over the years. Each situation being individually different, but also having a central theme that can be tied in with others to find a central path towards a solution. As there are multiple circumstances at the root of the issue, there are just as many people who have played a part. Issues with things such as the real estate market and government
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Recruitment Memorandum Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Recruitment Memorandum - Essay Example A great majority of the fire fighters are male and white, mainly with an Italian or Irish descent. The recruitment process did not favor the minorities who had poor quality education; they were usually given essay-based tests, which they performed poorly. Another flaw that was evident in the process was insufficient advertising for the available positions; it was usually done through a word of mouth through the preexisting staff. Various aspects of the recruitment process presented lack of credibility in the recruitment process. Firstly, racial discrimination is quite evident; it is ethical and legal to give all people a fair chance in a recruitment process. However, even if the minority group is incapable of competing effectively with the dominant race, special provisions should be set for them. The current situation in the firefighting department demonstrates racism of high order. This may mean that the unrepresented races may feel insecure and may have no confidence with the services offered by the department. Secondly, the gender discrimination is a major issue that requires attention. The view that almost all the employees are male creates an impression that women are incapable of firefighting, which is not true. A special consideration should be made to incorporate women especially in areas that do not involve much use of muscle power. Thirdly, the administration of exams as the only selection criteria does not meet the threshold of identify who can serve the firefighting department best, other strategies are required. Finally, the advertisement of the vacancies is not well done. When it is only done through the word of mouth, it means a limited group of people will get the opportunity to get the information. It is obvious that the most targeted will be the relatives and friends to the existing staff members. Â
What can literature, music, cinema, theatre or art bring to the study Essay
What can literature, music, cinema, theatre or art bring to the study of International Relations - Essay Example The field of International Relations (IR) is a body of knowledge that deals with political activities that are intertwined among various key state players. According to the research conducted by Polat (2012), through International Relations, individuals are able to comprehend the kind of relations that exist between various states. In this case, International Relations refers to the study of the interactions between the members of the field of International Relations, which are the nation states. International Relations can also be defined as the study that scrutinizes the relationships between countries and the responses displayed by these countries as a result of the interactions between the states. It would appear that no country can subsist on its own. In this case, it is imperative to appreciate the power relations between the nations in the International Relations. International Relations, according to Mandaville (2003), is a body of knowledge that highlights the factors that inspire the connection between the countries in the world. In simple terms, International Relations refers to an understanding of the interactions that are present between different countries in the International arena. This includes reviewing the flow of information from one country to another, the manner of responses by each party, and the outcomes that spring from the entire relations process. These implications vary from political, social and economic implications.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Assessing Young Learners Speaking Ability in the Fifth Grade of Three Elementary Schools in Padang Essay Example for Free
Assessing Young Learners Speaking Ability in the Fifth Grade of Three Elementary Schools in Padang Essay CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Problem Communicative view development in English learning makes the focus on English teaching changed. What once became structurally focused, it now moves toward meaningful language-focused. Students are not asked to memorize structure-based dialogues without knowing the meaning anymore. There are no more grammatically controlled sentences for students’ meaningless repetition. Dialogues, if used, center around communicative functions and are not normally memorized (Richards Rodgers, 1986). That makes the teaching of speaking becomes the core part of English teaching. Just like the adults, young learners today are also taught speaking meaningfully and communicatively. However, young learners have distinctive characteristics compared with adult learners. One of them is children are still developing cognitively, linguistically, socially, emotionally, and physically (Teaching Knowledge Test Young Learners: Handbook for Teachers, 2010). In other words, in teaching speaking to them, teachers need to consider children’s development of skills in the native language first. Young learners also enjoy rhythmic and repetitive language more than adults do. They are more likely to play with language than adults are, and they can be more effectively engaged through stories and games (Peck, 2009). The different techniques and approaches in teaching speaking to young learners lead to different ways in the speaking assessment. This is the problem faced by Indonesian young learners’ teachers nowadays. Most teachers do not know how they should assess their young learners’ speaking ability; some finally choose to skip the speaking assessment and focus on pencil-paper-tests. Thus, this research is conducted to discover and reveal ways of assessing young learners’ speaking ability. B. Identification of the Problem Based on the background above, the speaking assessment techniques used for young learners should be different from the adult. It should be suited with their cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical development. As we looked upon Language Assessment: Principles and Classroom Practices by Brown (2010) and integrated it with curriculum standard in Indonesia, KTSP 2006, young learners will be better to be assessed in imitative and intensive speaking categories, such as imitating teachers’ saying, directed response tasks, read-aloud tasks, and dialogue completion tasks. Alternative assessments such as interviews and conferences can also be applied for them. C. Limitation of the Problem In this research, the problem will be focused on the speaking assessment techniques in the fifth grade of three selected elementary schools in Padang. D. Formulation of the Problem * What kind of speaking assessment technique used by elementary school English teachers? * Why do they use such techniques? E. Purpose of the Research The purpose of this research is to discover and reveal the technique used by English teachers to assess elementary school students’ speaking ability. F. Significance of the Research Theoretically, this research is aimed to give a description of how speaking assessment for young learners done in Indonesia. Practically, some techniques used by English teachers provided here can be a source of alternative speaking assessment. CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. The Nature of Assessment There has been various explanation of what assessment is. Brindley (as stated in Linse, 2005) refers assessment as â€Å"collecting information and making judgments on a learner’s knowledge†. It means that in assessing students, we need to find out what students know about the subject being taught and how far that understanding has reached the learning indicator. In the same line with Brindley but with an addition, Brown (2010) states assessment as â€Å"an ongoing process of collecting information about a given object of interest according to procedures that are systematic and substantively grounded.†In his statement above, Brown implies that the process of collecting and judging students’ understanding is not done orderly in one single time; it is done continuously. Harris and McCann (1994) also give an essential note that in doing assessment teachers have to measure the performance of their students and the progress they make, as well as diagnose the problems they have and provide useful feedback. In other words, collecting and judging students’ intelligence is not enough; finding out what becomes students’ problem and giving advice to them to overcome the problems is also important to create a more successful learning process. Based on the theories above, it can be seen that assessment involves collecting information about students’ knowledge and judging their understanding in order to diagnose the learning problems they have so that students can get useful feedback to be more-successful learners. B. The Nature of Speaking As stated in the previous chapter, today’s English teaching focuses more on communicative purpose of language learning than in the past. It leads to the more important consideration of speaking skills than in previous time. Just like assessment, there is also various definition of speaking. One of them is from Lingua Links (1998) that defines speaking as productive skill in the oral mode that involves more than just pronouncing words. Referring to today’s communicative view, of course speaking cannot be thought as just pronouncing words; it needs to be meaningful, and communicative. Furthermore, Noonan (2003) states that, if pronunciation included, speaking involves three areas: mechanics (pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary), functions (transaction and interaction), and social cultural norms and rules (turn-taking, rate of speech, etc). All of them are connected to each other and prove that speaking is not only about what is uttered, but also the meaning and social purpose. C. The Nature of Young Learners Young learner is a child who is in their first six year of formal education, from age 6 to 12 (Teaching Knowledge Test Young Learners: Handbook for Teachers, 2010). Many experts argue that it is beneficial to teach the children English since young age. TKT Young Learners (2010) notes one of the advantages that those children will have positive self-esteem toward English and it will help them to learn English more once they are adult. That is why teaching English to young learners considered important today. However, young learners have characteristics that make them different from the adults (Teaching Knowledge Test Young Learners: Handbook for Teachers, 2010). First, they are still morally, cognitively, psychologically developed. Based on Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, children in age 6-12 years old are still in concrete operational thought stage, they already have the ability to do logical reasoning and understand reversibility with the help of concrete objects (Santrock, 1998). It means that explaining theory will not do for them, we need to make them move, do games, sing, etc. Second, young learners often have no obvious reason for learning English. Unlike adults who want to do it because of the career-related reasons or teenagers that do it to pass an exam, young learners do not have concrete reason why they must learn English. However, it does not mean they are not motivated to learn English; their goodwill, energy, and curiosity to learning overcome that. Third, they may not always have well-developed literacy skills to support their learning of English. Many children in the age of 6-12 years old are just getting to know their first language. It means that as a teacher we need to not have too-high expectation and do more. Fourth, young learners often learn slowly and forget quickly. It is related to the first characteristic that young learners are still developed morally, socially, and cognitively. Their still-ongoing developments in those basic things make them forget easily and learn slowly. This is why songs, agmes, and chants do best for them. D. Principles of Assessing Young Learners According to METU Open Course Ware (2006), principles of assessing children’s language learning are: 1. Assessment should be seen from a learning-centered perspective. It means that we cannot get a true assessment by testing kids what they can do alone. It has been stated by many experts that the goal of learning English is to be able to communicate meaningfully in English. Testing students, let alone young children, as a tool to get true assessment will not congruent with the real goal of English learning and it will just be wasting time. 2. Assessment should support learning and teaching. This is something that is not also becomes a problem with young learners, but also with the adult. Before performance-based assessment is introduced, teachers chose paper-and-pencil tests as their source of assessing (Puppin, 2006). It becomes a problematic then since students do not see the connection between the learning and the test they are doing, ; they see them as two different incongruent things. If the assessment done is congruent with the learning they did, children will feel that what they have learned is useful. 3. Children and parents should understand assessment issues. Their understanding will make the assessment process more meaningful since they can participate and supports greatly on behave of children’s English development. On the other hand, if they do not understand why the teacher does this and that, there will be no good communication between these three subjects to help children’s development. E. Techniques of Speaking Assessment Brown (2010) states some techniques of speaking assessment based on students’ language development level: Imitative Speaking This kind of assessment is intended to see whether students can imitate saying in English correctly. Eventhough it focuses on the accuracy of repeating words, it does not mean that it cannot be communicative and meaningful. Besides, in recent years many experts have discovered that an overemphasis on fluency can sometimes lead to the decline of accuracy in speech. Intensive Speaking There are four tasks in this kind of assessing: directed response task, oral questionnaire, and picture-cued task. In oral questionnaires, students are first given time to read the dialogue to get its main idea and to think about the appropriate lines to fill in. Then, as the tape, teacher produces one part orally; the students respond. In directed response task, students elicit a particular grammatical form of a transformation of a sentence. Such tasks are clearly mechanical and not communicative, but they do require minimal processing of meaning in order to produce the correct grammatical output. Picture-cued task requires a description from the students. Pictures may be very simple, designed to elicit a word or a phrase, or composed of a series that tells a story or incident. This task is meaningful since sometime a little sense of humor is injected. Responsive Speaking Assessment of responsive tasks involves brief interactions with an interlocutor, differing from intensive tasks in increased creativity given to the student and from interactive tasks by somewhat limited length of utterances. The kinds of this assessment are question and answer, giving instructions and directions, and paraphrasing. Questions and answers involve oral interaction with teacher.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Imparting or acquiring general knowledge
Imparting or acquiring general knowledge The supposed purpose of education, as marketed by the education industry, is career advancement, higher pay, and empowering a college graduates job search. [However, this should be considered only as] the current personal importance of education (, 2010, para. 2) and the result of being educated for the selfish benefits of the individual instead of the society instead of being the purpose of education. The purpose of education, or of being educated, is more than that. In the past, the purpose of education is to pass on social, cultural and moral values, traditions and religions, and skills to the next generation (Kendall, D., Murray, J. Linden, R., 2004) to ensure the survival of the culture and future generation. Today, education is still widely viewed as a mean to impart knowledge and skills, and to help people develop the ability to make the correct choices and decisions. However, as stated in Confucianism, in order to be truly educated, one must first and foremost be able to learn extensively, enquire accurately, reflect carefully, distinguish clearly and last but not less, practice earnestly (Yao, 2001, p. 212). From this, the purpose of the education can easily be concluded as to create morally upright, knowledgeable, analytical and action-initiative citizens and leaders who are able to contribute to the different aspects social, economical and political of a society. The first aspect of the purpose of education is to instill knowledge in the learners. There are two different kinds of knowledge, the scientific knowledge and the history and cultural knowledge. Scientific knowledge consists of facts and information that are acquired through long tedious process of testing and reviewing before it is accepted and acknowledged by the society ( History and cultural knowledge, on the other hand, are records of past events and ideas that are gained from past experiences (Hoerr, 2007, para. 1). One can only be considered as knowledgeable when one has the combined understanding and awareness of both scientific and history and cultural knowledge. However, equipped with only knowledge, it is not enough for an individual, even only as a follower, to contribute much to the society. Equipped with knowledge, the next aspect of the purpose of education is to nurture these knowledgeable individual to be analytical people. Education does not desire the production of a generation of people whose brain are so packed with only knowledge and the sole ability to memorize and regurgitate facts. With the ability to analyze every piece of knowledge gained from books or experiences and learn from it, one need not have fear when faced with problems and challenges in life as they can be overcome through careful analysis, followed by suitable applications of knowledge and skills. Individuals who are successfully equipped with these two aspects of the purpose of education will be able to think out of the box and contribute to the society economically or even politically. With the rise of countries like China and India who have an abundance of cheap labour, Singapore can no longer compete effectively in the labour-intensive manufacturing market. As quoted by Alvin Toffler (1990), The most important economic development of our lifetime has been the rise of a new system for creating wealth, based on longer on muscle but on mind. (p. 9). To ensure its survival, Singapore shifted its focus to working towards a knowledge-based society which calls for creative and critical thinking skills. The change from a labour-intensive industry to a service-driven market affects the demand for education, the uses put to education, and the demands made on education for tailoring the workforce to those demands. (Riddell, 1996, p. 1363). In other words, this change calls for more independent learning, creativity and innovations. Hence, the Teach Less, Learn More1 scheme (TLLM) that is started in 2006 under the Thinking School, Learning Nation2 (TSLN) vision is implemented in the Singapore education system to fulfill the first two aspects of the purpose of education. Teach Less, Learn More is about teaching better to engage the learners and prepare them for life, rather than teaching more for tests and examinations (MOE). It builds on the foundation laid in place under the TSLN vision and the spirit of Innovation and Enterprise3 (IE). The relationship between TSLN, IE and TLLM can be seen in the Figure 1 (taken from MOE website) below. Figure 1: Chart showing the relationship between TSLN, IE and TLLM Figure 1: Chart showing the relationship between TSLN, IE and TLLM TLLM aims to help learners broadened their scope of knowledge, other than the ones needed to score well in tests and examinations, and also encourage learners to be analytical as it is no longer about memorizing and regurgitating facts and data. While IE also encourages learners to be analytic, its main aim is to promote the willingness to try new and untested routes without fear of failure and produces leaders who are prepared to be flexible, to multitask, to take responsibility and to inspire teams and organizations to take leaps of innovation (MOE). As quoted by Riddell, he believes that the most important skill that education can inculcate in the learner is flexibility (1996). This leads to the third aspects of the purpose of education which is to cultivate leadership, initiative and flexibility in the individual. This is to ensure that there will always be a group of leaders that is willing to take the first step out and lead the rest of the society towards success in the uncertain future by being flexible and open to new untested ideas when travelling the road to victory. These three aspects of the purpose of education will of course have several implications on the teachers and students in Singapore. Teachers have to be innovative in teaching so as to make sure that learning was meaningful and enjoyable to the students (Ho, 2009) and effectively encourage self-directed learning in all students. This means that there should be less dependence on drill, practice and rote learning (MOE). Thus, the role of a teacher should be that of a mentor, facilitator and model instead of being someone who only do teacher talk and lecturing (MOE). Teachers are also required to be prepared in curriculum development, research and pedagogical skills by attending workshops on curriculum development and various pedagogies, and with the establishment of the Research Activist Scheme, teachers can learn more on research methodologies (Ho, 2009). All these preparation and learning is to ensure that teachers are able to recognize and cater better to students unique and differi ng learning needs. For the students, they will no longer to be spoon-fed by the teachers. This calls for self-directed and self-motivated learning which is in tune with the Desired Outcomes of Education. Students now have to take up the mantle of being a self-directed learner who takes responsibility for his own learning, who questions, reflects and perseveres in the pursuit of learning (MOE) and an active contributor who is able to work effectively in teams, exercises initiative, takes calculated risks, is innovative and strives for excellence (MOE). Furthermore, as syllabuses will be trimmed, students will have more time and energy to focus on core knowledge and skills (MOE) or even to widen their scope of knowledge. Students will also be required to know how to apply their knowledge to solve or overcome the problems and challenges presented to them. Merely memorizing and regurgitating knowledge will not be enough to score well. An example of this Problem-Based Learning will be the Project Work4 intr oduced into the Junior College syllabus to encourage knowledge analysis and applications. The above three aspects of education may successfully mold a generation of globally competitive citizens much sought after by the global market but it does not automatically ensure that these capable people would not use their intelligence to create trouble for the society or even just abandon their homeland to pursuit a high-flying career. As Teo said, Of what use is the education system if it produces smart crooks or selfish individualists who feel no obligation to society, or loyalty to nation? Education must imbue the next generation with the right value system. Through values education, we must develop future citizens with upright character who can contribute to their community. We must also inculcate in our young a deep sense of bonding to the nation, so that they will be prepared to stay and fight in times of adversity. (1998). This leads us to the last and most important aspect of the purpose of education which is to create morally upright individuals that is devoted to serving and contributing to their country. As values are a set of social norms that guides the actions of an individual and the society, values education is thus used as a mean to instill a sense of morality in the learners. Values à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ are either innate or acquired. Innate values are [the] inborn divine virtues such as love, peace, happiness, mercy and compassion as well as the positive moral qualities such as respect, humility, tolerance, responsibility, cooperation, honesty and simplicity. Acquired values are those external values adopted at [ones] place of birth or place of growth and are influenced by the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ environment. (Reddy). Hence, values education consists of character education, which builds on the innate values, and the national education, which can be considered as a part of the acquired values as it is influenced by the government of the country. Character education ensures that the individual will abide by the law and protect the peace and harmony of the society through social and emotional learning, moral reasoning/cognitive development, life skills education, health education; violence prevention, critical thinking, ethical reasoning, and conflict resolution and mediation (Lickona, 1998). The well-being of the society and the health and benefits of the other individuals will be made certain. National education seeks to inculcate national loyalty and a sense of belongingness in the learners. This is vital in the economic and social development of a society as the survival of a country depends heavily on the contributions of its citizens be it working to keep ones country ahead of others in the global market or being the next educator to the future generations. In Singapore context, values education takes the form of the curriculum subject Civics and Moral Education5 (CME), National Education6 (NE) initiatives (2008) and Social Studies7. Especially at the edge of the 21st century and with the spread of globalization, students are more likely to exhibits traits like materialism and unhealthy consumerism which may have severe economic repercussions in the future for a resource-limited small country like Singapore (2008). The job of the teacher in this case would be to instill a sense of thriftiness in these students and at the same time. During these lessons, instead of merely preaching about good governance, teachers should allow the students to identify the pros and cons of certain policies like the implementation of the Central Provident Fund7 (CPF) or the Electronic Road Pricing8 (ERP) and get them to see the need for these policies in the perspective of the government so as to [foster] social cohesion and rootedness to Singapore. Moreove r, instead of merely droning on and on about the moral issues and values that arises in Singapores society, teachers can attempt to interest the students by getting them to think critically about these issues and draw up possible solutions. To successfully engage students in values education, teachers themselves should play an active role in imparting the values to the students and not use the NE or CME classroom period[s] à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ for revision of other academic subjects (2008). Students should not study Social Studies for the sake of scoring well in the compulsory and examinable subject. Values should be learn and taken away to be applied in the later part of their life when they step into the society of virtues and vices. In conclusion, in order for a country or society to flourish, it is crucial that the educational policies implemented by the country leaders must be in line with the purpose of education. This is especially significant when a nation wants to prepare and equip its citizens with the necessary tools to combat the challenges of globalization. Education in the 21st century will be flexible, creative, challenging, and complex as it addresses the many issues that will arise from the rapid evolution of the world (21st Century Schools, 2008, para. 3) but there should also be a greater emphasis of values education so as to counteract any undesirable traits that are bound to show up in the whirlwind of seemingly impossible changes. The future of Singapore rests in the hands of its future citizens; hence the education of todays youth must not be taken lightly.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Southern View of Religion in Lillian Smith’s Killers of the Dream Essay
Southern View of Religion in Lillian Smith’s Killers of the Dream â€Å"Our first lesson about God made the deepest impression on us. We were told that He loved us, and then we were told that He would burn us in everlasting flames of hell if we displeased Him. We were told we should love Him for He gives us everything good that we have, and then we were told that we should fear Him because He has the power to do evil to us whenever He cares to. We learned from this part of the lesson another: that â€Å"people,†like God and parents, can love you and hate you at the same time; and though they may love you, if you displease them they may do you great injury; hence being loved by them does not give you protection from being harmed by them. We learned that They (parents) have a â€Å"right†to act in this way because God does, and that They in a sense represent God, in the family.†-Lillian Smith, Killers of the Dream, p. 85 This short passage introduces the first of many paradoxes and contradictions that dominate the Southern way of life that Smith depicts in Killers of the Dream. It is fitting that Smith (and her contemporaries) should remember their first lesson about God as a terrifying self-contradiction, because this theme perpetuates itself in the Southern view of religion. It lays the framework for a theological doctrine that banishes a person to the flames of hell for taking a sip of alcohol, yet turns its head as human beings banish others to the ghettos and old slave quarters for having dark skin. This passage also creates a parallel between the white people and their role as the â€Å"God†of Southern society. Smith states, â€Å"We were told we should love Him for He gives us everything good that we have, and then we were told that... ...hild understands his relationship with God and his parents as such, it is fairly natural that he will grow up to perpetuate a facsimile of that relationship between himself and his own children and the black community, both environments in which he is â€Å"God.†Smith summarizes her description of her early â€Å"lesson†with â€Å"We learned that They (parents) have a â€Å"right†to act in this way because God does, and that They in a sense represent God, in the family.†This satirical presentation of the word â€Å"right†in parentheses both the parental and the societal desire for the white man to play God. However, Smith ironically suggest that God does not act this way, He is simply drawn into the trial as an unwitting testimonial justifying the behavior that society wants to believe is right, despite their gnawing knowledge that it is far from right, and far from human, or humane.
Computer Crime :: essays research papers fc
     The technological revolution has taken full swing. If a business doesn't have some form of e-commerce, or if a person does not have some form of an e-mail address, they are seen as living in the stone age. This new world of virtual life, where with the click of a button a person can travel millions of miles in a few seconds, millions of new opportunities have arisen. However, someone has to always ruin the good things in life. Very similar to Hawthorne's "The Scarlet Letter," where the second thing built in a Utopia was a prison, the advent of computer crime is only becoming more prevelant everyday. The whole idea of a computer crime is rather absurd indeed. Really, who wants to go around spray painting on computers anyway? Though the definition of computer crime varies from source to source, the most common being," any illegal act which oinvolves a computer system" (     "What is a computer..." p.1). This holds true even if the computer contains s omething as simple as a threatening e-mail. Computer crime in nature ranges from relatively small things such as software piracy to magnificent crimes like fraud.      Computer crime itself has metamorphasized from its mere infancy. In the late 1970's, a would-be criminal would need direct access to the actual computer terminal. This is because the most computer crime of that time actually involved hardware sabotage and theft, rather than a more software oriented problem. In the late 1970s and early to mid 1980s, computer crime had elevated a notch with the advent of the inter-schiool network. This network was a connection of several major universities through modem lines. Educated computer users were now changing each others ideas and information, but not for the malicious, but instead for the better. The mid to late 1980s saw the rise of computer "hackers" such as Kevin Mitnick. kevin Mitnick was caught at least a half dozen times, with the charges ranging from criminal tresspassing to fraud. Mitnick had broken into several corporations' servers,n one being the well reknowned Sun Microsystems. When he was arrested Mitnick beca me a martyr and a heron to many teenage computer enthusiasts. These teens would be determined to carry on the symbolic spirit, or what they thought to be, of Kevin Mitnick. However, the computer crimes that thses users perpatrate cost small businesses and corporations millions each year, put restraints on legitimate computer users and still remain an extremely dangerous, costly and virtually unstoppable crime.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Staging Hamlet for a Modern Audience Essay -- Shakespeare Hamlet
I do not agree with the comment of Hazlitt: 'There is no play that suffers so much in being transferred to the stage'  Based on performances I have seen and other plays by Shakespeare, I think this is one of his better plays as it does not stick to guidelines.  Although a long play, it has a depth to it, that, if transferred to the stage well, is transformed from a long and winding script to a fascinating play filled with suspense and the emotions of the characters run high. 'Hamlet', nonetheless is a challenging script and Hamlet himself can either create the play, or destroy it, he is the key element.  To fascinate the audience from the outset you need to examine the setting that Shakespeare describes throughout the script. For in order to create the atmosphere that is in the book you have to overcome the challenges set out, for example the many different sets in the play, the castle, the battlements, Ophelia's bedroom, and the grounds. The sky is important in 'Hamlet' for the stars and Greek Gods were the interest of the time.       'This most excellent canopy, the air, look you, this brave o'erhanging firmament, this magestical roof fretted with golden fire- why, it appeareth nothing to me but a foul and pestilent congregation of vapours.  The difficulty of including all the settings for each scene on stage can be solved by a backdrop or sky cloth painting which has perspective, drawing the audience in. The sky can be painted high on a separate curtain which can roll up or down in order to be able to change the time of day, for example, one of a sunrise and another of the stars and... ...empty corridor, dissolving into a Pepsi machine! But the moment is not a visual joke but a creepy reminder of him being omniscient in the play. This would be an effective way of playing him on stage, walking from room to room in the castle to show his restless soul.  'Hamlet' is a challenging play which has been produced many times in many different ways. The ideal 'Hamlet' would be one which combines the old with the new and illustrates the depth and feelings of hamlet through the set whilst creating the characters as the reader sees them whilst reading the script. Everyone sees the ideal 'Hamlet' differently and it would probably be impossible to create one which everyone would love, but to satisfy most I would create all that I have mentioned and create my 'Hamlet' from modern productions and ideas from the text. Â
Thursday, July 18, 2019
How to plan and provide environments and services support children Essay
Describe the factors to take into account when planning healthy and safe indoor and outdoor environments and services: All staff has a duty of care for children and each other within the setting. It is important that everybody is aware of government legislation regarding the schools Health and Safety policy in regards to potential risks and hazards and what should happen if an incident occurs. As health and safety is primarily common sense it becomes second nature when working with children to abide by the Health and Safety policy. When working within a school staff should always make sure that areas are fit to purpose prior to any learning or play activities this could mean doing a risk assessment to ensure areas are safe and free from any potential risks. If a risk is spotted it should be reported immediately or logged for attention. The factors to take into account are: Every child is an individual and progresses at different rates and each child has different needs which depend on their age and ability. When we plan activities we should think about ways in which way we can keep all children active and the layout of the room and the needs of the child if you have a baby in the room you would not allow toddlers to be running round. Also if children wanted to ride bikes this should be done outside with more space and under supervision. Some children may have more specific needs than other children if they are have a sensory impairment provisions should be put in place so the child will enjoy mainstream school as much as the next child. An adult could also have specific needs where a risk assessment may need to be done at some time like if the person is pregnant or impaired in some way. Individual support may be offered to families/carers that have different needs to others. When working with children we should always be aware of our environment as we would not allow a child to run around the classroom with scissors, if this did happen we would explain or ask the child why this is a dangerous thing to do. In any school yard there should be separate sides of the yard were say football is played rather than all the children playing in line of the ball as this may cause injury. Explain how health and safety is monitored and maintained and how people in the work setting are made aware of risks and hazards and encouraged to work safely: Within school settings health and safety is monitored and maintained by the schools policies and procedures these are implemented by a governing body then must be carried out to the letter. Anybody running a place where members of public visit must have a duty of care and not let people be exposed to hazards that may cause illness or harm them. Visitors must follow the set guidelines to ensure the safety and well being of all children within the setting. Children who are being collected must be collected by a person known by the teacher unless prior information given, if a child requires medicine then this will be left in the office with a consent form received from the parents. Within school if a accident / incident happens then it is recorded and parents are informed of the child’s injury i.e. bumped head letter. W ithin schools there will always be a first aider available to deal with an injury. Confidentiality policy is always kept within school the only time confidentiality should be broken is when neglect or a form of abuse is suspected and the relevant authorities need to know. Risk assessments are carried out daily by teachers and all staff to ensure no potential risks or hazards. If anything is found it must be recorded and reported immediately relevant staff must be notified. Identify sources of current guidance for planning healthy and safe environments and services: All settings should have copies of the latest legislation as recorded in 1.4 they will also have their own policies and procedures. There is also a lot of information to be found on the internet: Health and safety executive Child accident prevention trust Department for education Explain how current health and safety legislation, policies and procedures are implemented in own work setting: When working with schools we have a legal responsibility to ensure the safety of all children and fellow colleagues as they are entrusted in our care listed below are the main policies: Policies and procedures regarding Health and Safety at Work are given to all staff including volunteers on the first day of employment within the setting this is based on the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. The main responsibilities of this act are that all buildings should be maintained to a high standard, designed with safety in mind. The environment should always be clean and tidy; all equipment should be stored away safely. As is good practice working practice should promote the health and safety of children. These acts also provides protection for employees by the workplace being a safe place and not pose a risk to employee’s health as stated in COSHH all hazardous substan ces and cleaning equipment stored away safely. Training should be provided for all employees on health and safety. PPE clothing should be provided free of charge. Certain injuries, diseases and incidents should be reported immediately to the Health and Safety Executive. First aid facilities and a first aider should be accessible at all times, within each setting there will be a safety representative who can be consulted regarding issues which may affect health and safety. Finally the legal duties of all employees must be responsible to take care of their own health and safety and that of others affected by their actions. All employees must cooperate with the health and safety at work act. This will be kept in the office and available to all. Fire precaution act 1971 and regulations :The fire authority will issue a fire certificate when happy that all correct procedures are in place .They also check the fire equipment and correct fire escapes and routes of departure COSHH (control of substances hazardous to health) this is monitored and maintained within schools by ensuring all chemicals and cleaning equipment is locked away in a cupboard away from all children. All chemicals must be clearly marked. RIDDOR 1995 (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Da ngerous Occurrence Regulations )this is a legal duty to explain work related deaths, any major incidents or injuries, work related diseases and dangerous occurrence. When carrying children or equipment always promote good practice. The Childcare Act 2006 this sets out the statutory framework for health and safety within all settings including that of the EYFS their standards are monitored by Ofsted. Product safety marking these must be (PAT tested) regularly and they will hold the kite mark to say they have been tested. Toys must carry a CE showing that the product meets European standards. Motor vehicles regulations 2006 seat belts must be worn at all times and booster seats provided for children under a certain height (135cm). Smoking ban 2007 EYFS this includes a legal requirement to ensure all children are in a smoke free zone. The manual handling operations regulation act 1992Employers must ensure that correct guidelines are followed when lifting pupils or equipment. Hygiene legislation 2006 This covers the safe preparation and storage of food .All kitchen staff must hold a current food hygiene certificate .There must be posters displayed within the kitchen reminding staff of good practice i.e. different coloured chopping boards and how food is stored correctly. The early years foundation stage (EYFS) Statutory framework for eyfs 2008 ensuring all aspects of welfare for children is covered ,this includes safeguarding ,suitable people ,suitable premises and equipment .There must be correct documentation within the organisation. Other procedures which are in place to safeguard children are: Safety fence and locked gates disallowing children to leave when in outdoors areas. All doors which provide entry and access are locked and door handles unobtainable to children. All visitors must sign in and wear a badge if there for a while must be notified about health and safety. Children must be picked up by the named person unless by prior arrangement. Confidentiality maintained at all times unless abuse is suspected. Admissions where no child can be looked on more favourably than another. Accident/incident must be recorded if a child has a bump or injury then this must be sent home to parents explaining what happened if a major incident must be forwarded to relevant people. Taking of medic ines they must be stored correctly parents must sign a consent form to say what the medicine is and how much and when their child is allowed it. Within the setting there will be a notice in the staff room of which child is asthmatic or allergic to food or other things so each staff member can see.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Internal information Essay
invoice records are a prime mention of essential information. They detail the transactions of the crinkle in the past which may be used as the basis for preparation for the future (e. g. preparing a financial compute or forecast). The accounting records are chiefly used to record what happens to the financial resources of a business. For example, how cash is obtained and spent what assets are acquired what cyberspace or losses are make on the activities of the business. However, accounting records evoke stick out much more than financial information.For example, expatiate of the products manufactured and delivered from a factory can provide useful information somewhat whether quality standards are being met. selective information analyzed from customer sales invoices provides a profile of what and to whom products are being sold. A lot of internal information is affiliated to accounting systems but is not right off part of them. For example Records of the people util ise by the business (personal details what they model paid skills and experience training records) entropy on the costs associated with business processes (e. g. costings for contracts entered into by the business) Data from the production department (e. g. public figure of machines capacity repair record) Data from activities in direct contact with the customer (e. g. abbreviation of calls received and missed in a call centre) A lot of internal information is also provided informally. For example, regular meetings of rung and management will result in the communication of relevant information. SAMPLE SOURCES OF essential INFORMATION Balance Sheet of ICICI percentage point ENDING 31-Mar-00 additions authentic Assets exchange And Cash Equivalents 1,479,000 victimize edge Investments Net Receivables 194,000 stocktaking opposite Current Assets -. join Current Assets longsighted Term Investments 1,185,000 Property nominate and Equipment 48,000 Goodwill Intangible As sets Accumulated amortization Other Assets 81,000 Deferred Long Term Asset Charges Total Assets 2,987,000 Liabilities Current Liabilities Accounts Payable Short/Current Long Term Debt Other Current Liabilities 2,454,000 Total Current Liabilities Long Term Debt 57,000 Other Liabilities 215,000 Deferred Long Term Liability Charges Minority Interest detrimental Goodwill Total Liabilities 2,726,000 rakeholders Equity Misc derivations Options Warrants reformable Preferred Stock Preferred Stock -.Common Stock 45,000 Retained simoleons 44,000 Treasury Stock Capital wastefulness 171,000 Other Stockholder Equity 1,000 Total Stockholder Equity 261,000 Net clear Assets $261,000 Source Yahoo Finance Stock movement of I-Flex solutions Series Date Prev virtually Open set High legal injury Low Price Last Price Close Price Total Traded criterion Turnover in Lacs EQ 03-Mar-2008 1,078. 95 1,037. 00 1,080. 00 1,020. 00 1,029. 90 1,042. 55 17954 190. 31 EQ 04-Mar-2008 1,042. 55 1, 020. 00 1,075. 00 1,017. 00 1,047. 65 1,048. 25 36723 382. 44 EQ 05-Mar-2008 1,048. 25 1,070. 00 1,070. 00 1,030. 15 1,045. 00 1,039.20 22219 231. 63 EQ 07-Mar-2008 1,039. 20 1,021. 00 1,032. 00 983. 00 1,004. 95 1,001. 50 22103 220. 45 EQ 10-Mar-2008 1,001. 50 955. 00 1,040. 00 946. 40 1,005. 00 1,015. 50 19099 192. 55 EQ 11-Mar-2008 1,015. 50 992. 50 1,065. 00 992. 50 1,045. 00 1,054. 65 21805 226. 22 EQ 12-Mar-2008 1,054. 65 1,100. 00 1,100. 00 1,000. 00 1,004. 00 1,007. 45 13398 139. 14 EQ 13-Mar-2008 1,007. 45 987. 05 1,010. 00 952. 00 954. 00 959. 10 15931 155. 65 EQ 14-Mar-2008 959. 10 962. 00 992. 00 920. 00 990. 00 983. 15 21685 210. 01 EQ 17-Mar-2008 983. 15 925. 00 970. 00 925. 00 965. 00 942. 95 12307 116. 99 EQ 18-Mar-2008 942.95 931. 00 958. 50 925. 10 927. 00 936. 50 21230 200. 13 EQ 19-Mar-2008 936. 50 970. 00 978. 00 922. 00 925. 00 925. 55 21245 199. 40 EQ 24-Mar-2008 925. 55 948. 00 950. 00 895. 00 905. 00 908. 25 21626 197. 55 EQ 25-Mar-2008 908. 25 913. 50 1,008 . 00 913. 50 990. 10 992. 55 58576 571. 10 EQ 26-Mar-2008 992. 55 988. 90 1,027. 00 974. 00 974. 00 986. 85 33402 335. 28 EQ 27-Mar-2008 986. 85 975. 00 1,003. 00 935. 00 951. 05 947. 10 118566 1,140. 60 EQ 28-Mar-2008 947. 10 970. 00 994. 00 956. 00 976. 00 984. 40 21658 210. 89 EQ 31-Mar-2008 984. 40 970. 25 985. 00 935. 00 948. 20 941. 10 39622 376. 60 Source NSEINDIA.
Aesthetics emotionality dodge 170-N Indiana Wesleyan University April 13, 2013 Abstract I st cunning read and understand the plagiarism policy as outlined in the syllabus and the sections in the educatee Bulletin relating to the IWU H cardinalsty/Cheating Policy. By affixing this statement to the surname page of my paper, I certify that I have not cheated or plagiarized in the process of completing this assignment. If it is launch that cheating and/or plagiarism did take place in the penning of this paper, I understand the possible consequences of the act/s, which could acknowledge expulsion from Indiana Wesleyan University.Aesthetics Emotionalism When it comes to nontextual matter bleed there are some(prenominal) contrary theories of understanding and interpreting cunning ferment. The best steering this germ understands cunning clear and appreciates artistryistic creation work is through sensationality. The scheme of emotionalism is defined as, the near important element about a work of art is its vivid communication of moods, ruleings, and ideas (Indiana Wesleyan University Syllabus, 2013). For art work to speak to this author there mustiness be vivid feelings, an obvious mood displayed, or an idea of understanding.While there are several ingredients of art throughout the text password, Gardners Art through the Ages, there are common chord that really show why this author appreciates art work with emotionalism shown. These three forgathers of art will show why emotionalism is something to be appreciated in art work. The starting piece of art that depicts emotionalism is, the portrait of Caracalla, ca 211-217 CE, Metropolitan Museum of Art, clean York, p. 114 (Kleiner, 2010, p. 114). To this author the portrait depicts emotion or feelings. If one was to look at this piece one magnate compute that this person was fretfulness or in fear of someone or something.A piece of art that makes one think, what is going on or what is on this persons mind, is a piece of art that this author really appreciates. Emotionalism art work is art work that makes the witnesser look for feelings in which this piece does. This author believes that the portrait of Caracalla is a great display case of the surmise of emotionalism, and could advantageously be depict as to why. The next example of emotionalism found in the text book is, A Harvest of Death, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, New York Public Library, New York, p. 360 (Kleiner, 2010, p. 360).The art work is a picture of a field with dead soldiers lying all over. This art work depicts all of the vivid communication found in emotionalism. With moods, in this art work, one might feel sad or happy (depending on what side you are on). With feelings one could feel anger or sadness from the loss. Or one could feel overwhelmed and not sure what to do. The emotion of feeling is fadeless in this piece as it would depend on what side one is looking at this piece. The last em otion is ideas. With ideas in this piece, one might think that this side lost or could draw cursorily conclusions by the death total.This piece of art prompts a lot of ideas that could quickly draw one to the piece. The title alone would lead one to draw ideas on what has happened. This author feels that this piece of art work is other great piece that show emotionalism. The final piece of art that this author feels that best shows emotionalism is, slime Beckmann, Night, 1918-1919 Kunstsammlung Noedrhein-Westfalen, Dusseldorf, p. 400 (Kleiner, 2010, p. 400). This piece of art displays the feelings of the artist as to portray what he believed was the brutality of the 20th century. The art work shows disfigured tidy sum being pulled, stretched, and twisted.This art work gives the idea that society is harsh and people are being torn apart hard to survive. Again, this is another great example of emotionalism, because the people in the art work show feeling and moods. This art work could easily be described as a display of emotion. This could also be described as art work to show the feverous change of event brought on by the brisk societys expectations. This work by soap Beckmann is a great piece to explain emotionalism at the theory behind it. As one can see there are several ways to emphasize emotionalism.These three pieces of art work that this author has chosen, will show you the ideas behind the theory and how to depict each idea. There are some ways to see and understand emotionalism in art work. These three examples are just a few that will help one break off understand what emotionalism is and how to find it in art. This author hopes that his examples were found to be helpful in gaining a better understanding behind his chosen theory and would encourage one to explore emotionalism in art. References Kleiner, F. S. (2010). Gardners Art through the Ages (2nd ed. ). Boston, MA Wadsworth.
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